Part 21

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The sound of Jen's eggs sizzling was almost therapeutic for her.
She had woken up at ten, a result of her staying up way too late binge watching the guilty pleasure rom coms that she loved so much. She wasn't complaining about it either. When she did get up, it was the first time in a while she had noticed she wasn't unhappy to be getting out of bed, just lazily tired.
She rubbed her eyes when she padded down the hall after using the bathroom, and that had led her to this moment, moving around the white and yellow congealed masses on her frying pan that she had also taken with her from her parent's house.
Jennifer sighed; this was nice.

After remembering to give Marci her treat, which was once again met with a smile, Jennifer decided to check her mailbox. It was mail day after all.
When she opened her door, she was mildly surprised to find that there was no mail inside. Scratch that, there wasn't any mail, but there was something else.
Another rose.
This one was green, not bright green or even the dark green of food dye, but a light, almost pastel green, like her eyes on a good day.
How did he know? Jen asked, making the connection between her eyes and the rose and Michal fairly quickly.
She picked up the rose, which had another note under it, and almost forgot to close her door before opening the note.
It read:
They say eyes are the windows to the soul,
And roses are the window to the heart (or something like that).
Take care for a while.

I think you know who

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