Part 4

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She was rearranging the living room the next day. She had just put the blue sofa where she wanted it: in the middle of the room, with the kitchen to the left and a window looking out of the apartment to the right. It was facing the TV, and behind it was a blank wall.

Later, when Jen was using the vacuum she had borrowed from her mom, something got caught in it.
Dangit, Jen thought as she pulled the vacuum out from under the edge of the bedskirt, wondering what could be big enough to catch it. To her surprise, it looked like a ball of yarn. Jen bent down to untangle it and slowly realized that it wasn't a tangle of yarn, it was something knitted together. As she pulled the rectangle of material out of the vacuum, Jen suddenly knew what it was: a scarf.
A very, very ugly scarf.
This is disgusting,' Jen thought as she pulled the last of the long, ugly colored thing out from the vacuum, wondering what to do with it. Technically, it wasn't damaged. It didn't have any holes or rips in it.
After debating for around two minutes with herself, Jen decided to put it in the makeshift lost and found at the end of the hall that she had passed on her way to her room a couple times.

Jen walked down the hall, not bothering to put her key in her pocket. She reached the end of the hall and was relieved to see the cardboard box had a few books and other old figures and trinkets just to the left of the elevator doors.
She dropped the scarf in the box and walked away.

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