Part 5

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Jen dropped her key.
Down her sink drain.
"Crap!" Jen exclaimed as she watched it slip down her drain. She knew she couldn't fish it out.
There was only one thing to do: go see Mrs. Nolton.
And that led to Jennifer going down the elevator once again, this time to go to the front desk.

There was only one boy at the front desk, and he couldn't have been older than sixteen. Jen took in a breath as she stopped in front of the desk, making the boy look up from the computer he was staring at.
The boy was, strange. That's the only word Jen could find to describe him. He had long black hair that made him look emo, but he was wearing the tan uniform of the staff that worked there, so his hair seemed misplaced. She looked at his name tag before speaking.
"Um, excuse me, Ron?"
The boy nodded mutley.
"Ok Ron, well, I just lost my key down my sink drain and I was wondering if I could get a new one."
"Ok ma'am, that'll be one moment," the boy replied in a surprisingly deep voice, making Jen's eyebrows raise slightly.
The boy got up and left the desk. After around five minutes he came back with Mrs. Nolton.
Today, she was sporting a purple velvet tracksuit, with bedazzled sneakers and a fluffy little chihuahua.
Jen took in a deep breath; this was gonna be interesting.
Mrs. Nolton shooed Ron away with her chihuahua, and when it finally growled at him he backed away and disappeared into the staff room behind another door on the back wall.
"Don't mind him, he just started," Mrs. Nolton said as she looked over the desk.
"Yeah, um, I may have lost my key and you're the only person I knew to go to," Jen re-explained while Mrs. Nolton stroked her dog with her long, boney fingers.
"Yes, yes, I know all about it. Ronny told me. Here, let me just get you another one," she said and turned to the same door that Ron had just gone through.
"Someone will get the old one out shortly."
"O-Ok," Jen said, and Mrs. Nolton turned and disappeared into the hallway.
A couple minutes later, Mrs. Nolton came back with a perfect replacement key. Jennifer paid fifteen dollars for both losing the key and the replacement.
Jen breathed a sigh of relief as she walked back to her room.

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