Part 37

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Jen and Michal were walking on a lake.
The lake was pretty, with a thick white layer of fluffy snow on top. Little snowflakes glittered all around them, and every once and awhile little flurries would blow in circles, making Jen feel like she was a little kid again.
All around the lake was dark, which Jen noticed at first but didn't really mind as she and Michal stepped farther out onto the ice and she was drawn further and further from the edge.
"You ok?" Michal asked as she held his hand for support as she became more and more nervous.
"I'm good," Jennifer half lied as she took her hand off his, and was surprised when she had to balance herself again before taking her next step.

When they got to the middle of the lake, they stopped. They looked around at the falling snow in the black sky.
Then, Michal started walking away.
Farther and farther he walked, leaving a single set of footprints in front of Jennifer, and she lifted up her foot. She looked down, and realized that under her foot was a pool of black. Black tar. Black blood.
"Michal, Mic-" her voice broke as she screamed dryly, the air making it hard to breathe.
She lifted up one foot, put it down, and slowly repeated that until she started moving forward. Every time she lifted her foot the black would pool and drip like ink, and when she put it down it would make a squishing noise which made her cringe.
The farther and farther she walked the harder it was to lift her feet and she was screaming, screaming for Michal to just come back, to help her. But the more she tried, the harder it became until she fell into the snow.
And then she woke up.

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