Part 13

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Jen had never liked February.
It had always been a cold time of year, especially in Washington. Jen had always thought of December and January as the winter months, so by the time February rolled around she was always a little annoyed.
And this year was especially bad.
The trees had ice crystals on them, and all the news stations were saying to drip your faucets every night, which Jennifer couldn't ever remember having to do, even one winter when students from her school got their tongues stuck to the poles outside of her elementary school.

Jen woke up to the sound of sleet hitting her window. She rolled over and sighed, remembering her least favorite season was here again.
Ten minutes later she was lumbering down the hallway to her kitchen, already feeling a slight pounding at her head. She clenched and unclenched her hands, realizing that she would have to soak them in hot water once she got to her sink.

After she got her coffee and put her hands in some hot water, Jen sat on her couch and turned on the news again. She knew what was coming: more weather reports and bad forecasts projected over the next few days. But she still watched as the seven o'clock weather re-stated what she already knew.
Not depressing at all.

Jen was just about to go to the store to get some more food when something caught her eye after she opened her door, making her look down and stop.
It was a yellow rose. There was only one, and there was a card under it. She picked it up, feeling the soft petals, telling herself it was real. Was it?
Finally she put the rose on a countertop in her kitchen and studied the card. It was small and plain, a bit yellowed and slightly weighted. On the front was her name, and when she flipped it over, the back said this:

6 o'clock, my door.
           -   I think you know who

When I Had YouUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum