Part 36

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Jen came over to Michal's apartment to help Chris with the bottles the next day.
She was in the bathroom putting all the bottles, one by one, into another container that Chris had brought over so they could make a list and track down if Michal had really been prescribed all of those medications.
He couldn't have, right?
Jen was putting the medications one by one, just like Chris had told her to, in the yellow box, making sure they were all lined up and in rows.
She was holding one bottle in her hand, trying to read it.
"Chris! I can't read the name of this one," she said, putting the bottle closer to her face and trying to sound out each letter.
"I'm coming," Chris said from the living room, and a few seconds later he showed up.
"Whatcha need?"
"This bottle," Jen asked, holding the bottle out so he could come over and take it from her.
"What?" he asked, his face scrunched in confusion.
"Chris, the bottle," Jen asked, shaking the bottle for him to see and hear.
"Jen, what are you talking about?" Chris asked, moving so that he was completely standing in the doorway.
Jen looked down.
The bottle wasn't there anymore.

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