Part 16

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It was time: Jennifer's parents were coming to see her new place. She had been waiting for this for a while; ever since she moved in, really. It was the one thing that she had wanted, really wanted to happen for about as long as she could remember.
She woke up that morning feeling refreshed, and for the first time in a long time she didn't need anything to make her feel awake. Not even coffee, and Jen had had coffee every day for seven years straight.
Jennifer practically skipped down the hall, and when she got to her kitchen she went straight for her brand new blender, put on display just for her parents to show them  how much of an adult she really was. It wasn't the most expensive model at the store, but it was clean and it worked, which was enough for her. And more importantly, she knew it would be enough for her parents.
When Jen looked out over her sink, eating an apple and drinking some water, she took a contented breath in and happily sighed out.
Michal had worked his magic on her living room. The blue futon that stuck out like a sore thumb when she first walked in somehow flowed nicely with the entertainment center and muted yellow throw pillows. The dark wood shelves lined with various books and knick-knacks gave it a homey feel that Jennifer liked. It brought back memories of her parent's house, which always made her smile.

Twenty minutes later Jen was dressed and ready to meet her parents.
When she heard the knock at her door, she almost dropped her second glass of water. She went to answer her door and, not to her surprise, her parents were standing there.

"Mom, Dad!," Jennifer said through a smile, suddenly wondering if she had any stray hairs sticking out from her head.
"Jennifer! We have to say, we're so glad that we could come over today," her mom said excitedly while her father nodded in agreement.
Jen opened the door and let her parents make their way into her apartment.
She watched as they walked into the room, taking in the decorations.
"Jen, this is great. I can't believe it," her mom said.
Jen beamed.

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