Part 46

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A couple days after Chris was taken away, the police showed up again.
At first, Jennifer didn't know what they wanted. If she was honest, she didn't even know what she wanted at that point. Of course, even as she thought this while the police filed into Michal's old room, she knew she was lying to herself.
She wanted Michal.
And she could never have him back. There was no way that she could make him appear to her, like he had done for what felt like so many months. She could barely remember a time without him. She remembered everything about him, but she couldn't quite make him out in her head.
Not quite.
And that's what got her. That's what kept her up at night, just staring at the ceiling, wondering if she really ever loved him because she couldn't make him out, couldn't quite reach out far enough in her mind to do that, and it killed her.
That's why she cried.
But all she thought was that she wanted him...

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