Part 12

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One day when Jennifer was feeding Marci, she noticed that she wasn't eating.
That's weird,  Jen thought as she pet the dog and scratched under its ears.
"What's wrong with you, girl? Not feeling good?," she asked, but she was only met with a blank smile, as usual.

The doctor felt under Marci's belly as she stood there, not making a peep. Jen brought her fingernails up to her mouth, a nervous habit that her medication did not seem to help. That made her remember that she needed to refill her prescription soon.
"I just thought I should get her checked out. I mean, I know enough to know this isn't normal pet behavior," Jen explained to the vet.
"Well, she looks good. I can't see anything wrong," the doctor said as he took Marci off of the examination table and gave her to Jennifer to hold while he continued talking.
"How did you come across her?"
"She just kind of showed up, I guess," Jen answered, suddenly aware of the fact that she didn't know if Marci was really someone else's.
"Well, I would have her registered, and we can check to see if she has a chip in her as opposed to a collar," he continued, making Jen feel a little better. She didn't know how all this worked after all.
"Have you made sure she's had all of her shots?"
"We'll get that checked too," he said as he grabbed a notepad and began jotting down what Jen assumed was all the shots a dog Marci's age would need.
"Well, here you go," he said as he ripped off the first sheet of the notepad and gave it to Jen.
"Give this to the lady at the front desk and she'll check all of it for you."
"Ok," Jen replied as she walked out of the office.
Jen held Marci tighter as she walked out of the clinic that day.

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