Part 14

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Six o'clock arrived quicker than Jen expected.
She had picked out a semi-casual outfit, and brought a coat just in case. The fact that Jen felt like she needed to bring a coat made her even more nervous, on top of the fact that she had never been on a date in her life.
She was an only child who had never been asked out. And it had never occurred to her to try. So, here she was, thirty years old, being asked out via note by some guy who lived across the hallway from her.
Yeah, this was gonna be interesting.

Jen knocked on Michal's door. She saw him look through the peephole before opening it.
He was also dressed in semi-casual attire, but he was wearing a button down shirt instead of a polo, which Jen noticed and appreciated.
He also looked nervous, which made Jen feel better.
"So, hi," Michal started, opening and closing his door, which made Jen step to the side of the doorway.
"Hi," Jen replied, feeling awkward already.
"I see you got the note. That's good. I wanted to take you out, you know, around," he continued while putting on his coat.
"Just, see a little of the city. Are you ok with that?"
"Yes," Jen replied.

An hour later they were at a nice lake, nestled in a very nice park which was lit by lamps lining the main walkway, giving it a warm glow that took away the sting of the cold evening.
Michal had taken Jen to a nice sit down restaurant. They even ordered wine, which Jennifer had only had two times in her life, none of which were recent.
After that they decided to stay out and walked across the street to this nice park which for some reason Jen hadn't noticed until then, but it made a nice wrap up to the nice, filling evening.
After walking around for some time, Michal finally broke the silence by saying,
"So, you wanna go back?"
That was their first date.

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