Chapter 41

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"Korra Sasaki, a 18 year old girl who attended Republic city high school, was the face under the mask of the Blue spirit. She is also known as Korra, the missing Princess of the southern watertribe and missing Avatar" He repeated what he heard on the news.

Korra didn't know what to say to the man. He just kept talking "That night, you cried wanting to save her" He started to cry "You wanted to save her, but they didn't let you... this sound crazy but, even though you beat the living shit out of me, I wished I had the strength to stop that man from stopping you, I knew at that very moment you were her only hope."

"I'm sorry" Korra said looking down at herself

"It's not your fault, you reacted out of instinct-" she caught him off "How could you say that? she only wanted to help you, because I could've ki-"
"killed me?" he sighed "I don't believe that, you know what I believe" he stood quiet for a moment "if my sister didn't interfere, we both would've walked out of there alive, because you weren't mad at me, but at someone else, I might have been beaten badly, but, I know I saw"

"Which is?" she asked curiously

"Someone who was tired of doing what they do, You cried while you did what you did" he confessed "You punches became weak, now that I know your story, it makes even more sense"

"I-I don't know what you're talking about" she cleared her throat

"Please, I'm not just a cop, I'm also a criminal psychologist, I get in the minds of criminals." he sighed "your case is different than any of my clients, you're the first hand made criminal" He got up and placed his hand on her shoulder "I can never blame you for my sister's death, I blame the people who made you into their weapon" he said and Korra looked into his eyes "You tried to save her, you still have light in you" he said waking away leaving Korra alone with Jazlynn.

Korra fell to her knees "I'm sorry" she whispered to the stone. "I promise to keep your family safe" She bowed her head before placing the first bouquet of flowers next to the others.


Asami and the group made it to republic city. Normally Asami would go home with Korra but this time was different. She ended up asking Opal for a ride to the estate, she was just going to stay with her dad.

Once Asami was home, Hiroshi grabbed her into a hug "I heard about everything" he whispered. That broke Asami.

"I'm really sorry dad" She cried

"No pumpkin, don't be sorry" He held her close. "come on, let's get you some food" he walked her to the kitchen. He placed a pot on the stove with water, once the water came to a boil he took out a box of spaghetti and threw it in the water. While that cooked he started to make tomato sauce from scratch. Asami watched as her father was cooking, she couldn't remember the last time she seen him cook. 

Hiroshi came up to her with a plate and sat next to her on the table. Asami thanked him and took a bite "It tastes just like mom's" she smiled

"Oh please" he laughed "Mom's tastes just like mine, I'm the one that taught her how to make it"

"I didn't know that" she looked at him curiously 

"For our first date, I invited her over for dinner. Since I was too broke to take her out to a fancy restaurant, I cook for us. This is what I made" He smiled at the memory. "When we had you, I was always busy at work, I couldn't cook, it was always your mother cooking. You complained about eating the same thing that I stayed up late at night making this for you, so all your mother did was warm it up for lunch or dinner"

"Really?" Asami was surprised

"Yes, this was your favorite" he chuckled "you didn't mind eating spaghetti over and over, but only this spaghetti, no store bought, no other restaurant, your mother had me stay up one night to teach her how to make it" he smiled " I miss your mother" he sighed

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