Chapter 2 Special Children

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When the kids were back at school, Etzia's homeroom teacher was running late, and everyone was chatting until the teacher came. Etzia and her acquaintances were in the back seats talking about the day of the festival.


 "I ask my acquaintances a question about whether anyone knows someone wearing a green uniform at the festival."

Everyone was looking at each other, and they didn't hesitate to answer. They knew who she was talking about.


"Why a sudden question?"


"During the festival, I saw a kid in the food stand wearing a green uniform, and she had strange paper..."

Everyone was unexpected something like that someone doesn't know about the special children, and Juda began to talk.


"Etzia, do you know you saw an important person? Do you know her name? They are like celebrities, and they are some special children best known to the public."

I looked at them, not having a clue what they were talking about.


"Etzia, do you ever watch the news because sometimes they show up?"


"No why?"


I looked at Etzia that she is missing things from her life, and I will enlighten her.

"The kid you saw at the festival is part of the special children. They are the ones who are close to the council, which is under their influence. They are known for having great skills and going on great missions. They have their own headquarters and their own academy, so they can't live with civilians like us, but sometimes they do tasks for other communities. "

"The council gives them their own riches at a young age that will help them in the future. That's why I want to be like them. The Light Council gives them more trust and has greater expectations for them."


"How come you didn't know who they were? Everyone in the school knows who they are."


I look closely at my acquaintances, waiting to give them an answer. I told them that somehow, I don't pay attention to them.


"Anyway, you know how lucky you are to be close to a celebrity, although you should do the same things that other kids do. Not all of us can be lucky enough to counter something like that. Maybe we can use your lucky charm to win the lottery or something."


"Okay, I will."

(The teacher came, and everyone stopped chatting).


"I suddenly arrived at the class; I made the students stop all the chatting. I went to them to apologize for coming late, and I went to give them news. The school wants to know how good your skills are. There will be an assignment, and it will be due in three months, which you need to complete with five people. The assignment is about different people with different skills to complete the Gateway. (It will be like a mix of scavenger hunts and catching the flag). The adults will give each of you an ASB (advanced sensory bracelet). 

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