Chapter 3 Home

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In a few weeks, it will be Etzia's Juvenitte is the date when she was born. The family was having breakfast and starting their day.


I woke up and saw sunlight hitting my window. I don't remember much of my younger self, but somehow, when I was little, I didn't hate it somehow. I was fond of how warm it was, but now it was gone. I went to the living room, sat on the couch, and watched my watched holograms in my watch. I waited for my family to wake up, like I usually do.


I woke up to see that Etzia was an hour early; she always does that. When she was young, she had something different, but now she is okay. What is left out is the taste and waking up early. The rest of the family wakes up at 8:00 AM; soon or later, her doings will be gone. I went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

The light council got rid of the chase of Etzia, the citizens don't know about the chase.


I went to the kitchen and saw my daughter making breakfast, and I went to help in the kitchen because every family has their own role in the house.

It was time for breakfast. Everyone was gathered around the table.


"Riette. Remember you have to clean your room after having your breakfast. It has been days that you haven't cleaned your room, so this needs you to finished today."


"Oh Mom!"


"Never mind "Oh Mom!" The sooner you get started the sooner you finish. And try to be more responsible."


"What happened to you? You have never been messy before."


"I am moved that I am going to school for the first time, and I was choosing which stuff I could bring to school."


"But you still have a few more months until school starts."


"Riette. I know you are excited, but you can forget your responsibilities in your house. But before you know it, soon you will become a grown person, and I know sometimes you feel alone in the house because I know your siblings have other responsibilities and you find ways to find your own things.


"Riette, for now, promise me you never ignore your responsibilities when you become too focused on something."


"Dad, I promised."


"Now, Etzia, your 12 Juvenitte is coming up, and the family wants to know if you have anything in mind."


"Anything is fine as long as you surprise me. And is it okay to spend time with my acquaintances the day before my Juvenitte because I know Juvenitte is the day to spend time with the family when you are born."


"Fine as long as you are with your family in Juvenitte."


"Thanks! Dad"

A/N: Chase is a rare thing that a person shows about themselves in terms of dislikes and likes.

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