Chapter 7 The 7 sets

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Scene 1

(Michael is giving Etzia a tour of the city)


"Did you like your place?"


"It has a nice view to see the reflection of the city in the lake at night."


"Did you meet your roommate?"


"It was nice, and she knows how to cook, and she showed me how to use the replica (3D printer) to make meat; it has more options than the replica back home."

"Tomorrow, I will start my classes."

"I noticed that you are wearing a blue uniform today."


"Well, I forgot to mention that I am in the Shen branch, and I am a part of Ceto, one of the Shen squads."

"Yesterday I was off duty, and suddenly they asked me to take you to your dorm because I was available, and that's why I didn't bring my uniform that day."

"This morning, I was on duty, so I had to wear it."

"And talking about uniforms, you will also have one, but it will be in white for the trainees."


"In the convention, I noticed there were 5 different squads, each of them wearing different colors (yellow, blue, and green), but there were a few squads with fewer colors who showed up. The three squads were wearing yellow, which means they are from the Sukai branch, one blue squad is from the Shen branch, and one green squad is from the Eunji branch."


"The Sukai squads are more visible among the citizens than the Shen squads. Eunji squads are less likely to come to the communities, but at the conventions, they have to bring a few squads to represent them."

"Anyway, tomorrow they will give you a handgear that is a mechanism in action artificial."


"I can't wait to get one of my own."


"It is getting late. (He checks his watch that they should finish three hours ago.) Are you hungry?"


"Yeah, I am."


"I will buy you a meal because I feel bad about taking too much of your time and didn't check the time that was this late."


"Is it okay that you don't have to."


"Let's go to a restaurant; it will be my treat."



                                                     ________•°•.⁕⁑•.☆.•⁑⁕ .•°•________

(Etzia is in her new school.)


"Good morning, class. We have a new student joining us today, and she will be part of the institution. Please welcome her, and Etzia, call Mr. Seege."

"Now take your seat."


"I went to take my seat and listen to the lecture."

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