Chapter 6 To Astraeus

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I carry my backpack with the gifts that my relatives gave me. I didn't want to leave it behind because I didn't want to waste their effort. I follow the two men to Norwyn Station. It was close to Regulus Square. I remember that I came here before whenever my family got on the Astraeus City Rail Line, as we used to. When we got there, I noticed we hadn't purchased tickets.


"Why are we not buying tickets?"


"You see."

(A train was coming; it was so quiet).


"This train looks different and impressive."


"This is Star Dust was built for our association."


"Why the association have their own train?"


"So, we can operate the train whenever we need it, and association can use it to help the council or the communities if they are in need. The people who use it are the chaperones who pick up special children, and squads can use it for their own benefit. The trainees need someone's supervision to use it."

(Three of them are in the Star Dust).


"When you get to the headquarters, they will assign you a place to stay. And you will go to the institute, which means the academy, and you will start as a trainee."


"So I will go to school, so what will they teach?"


"They teach stamina, attacks, and other subjects."


"Why they have different teachings."


"They have a different structure to have good achievement, and the special children can show their potential by how well they use their abilities."


"Do you tell me more about the institute?"


"I am not the one who should give you the details, but when you get there, they will give them to you.

While we wait, we can enjoy the ride, and Finn will be back soon for our lunch. "


"Can you tell me what is your job is while we wait for the food?"


"Me and Finn are chaperones, and we pick up the special children and leave them in institution. I never met a special child like you who awakened their abilities at 12. But there are a few others who wake up their abilities late, around 6 to 10, but they never pass to be 12 years old.


So, I am not the only one to show that I was not a special child when I was born."


(Enter the living room with the food and sit with others around the table.)

"So, you are going to be the first 12-year-old child to be in the institution, and you are the first to stay longer with your family than the rest of the special children who leave their family at a younger age."

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