Chapter 22 - Influencer part 2

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Both are walking towards the car.

"We're not recording anything tonight though, are we?
I thought we were just going to the restaurant."

"You aren't recording, but I have a livestream to do with another, influencer?
Aw it'd be so cool if you had a guest appearance!
The viewers would love seeing us together, especially as a surprise.

Not happening.

Why not?

I am not good in public.

Too bad you can become famous like I am.
Do you want to see the comments.

Etzia grabs Analiyah's phone and throws it to the back of the seat of the car.

No more reading comments.

My baby!

Analiyah goes back to the seat to grab her phone and she is in the driving seat.

Where are we going today.

I've got plenty of plans, most of them involving food, which I'm sure you'll enjoy.
There are some family owned restaurants that I've looked looked into.
I've already got their permission to record so we'll same thing there that we did at Clarkson House. Sound okay?

Sounds great...

Analiyah car was autopilot and drove to Town Hall Square and then they arrived.

You are the one who made me take the scenetic route and you are not giving me a tour rather I am guiding and you aren't paying attention.
You're have a bad habit over your phone again.


What's the point of taking the trip if you aren't enjoying the scenery.

I will in a moment.
If you want my attention so badly, all you have to do is to ask.
Please' you already miss me.

Well we been here. You missed most of the Town Hall Square because you were busy entertaining strangers. Why are you so fascinating with social media anyway?

I feel like we had this conversation before. It's my job remember.

What is your real reason?
Anyone with half a brain can see there's more to it.

Why do you call it that? That's not an obsession.

You said it.

Why do you keep asking about it like you don't know?
An online entertainer has to be online, and its not like I am doing any harm being proactive for my following.

You are not going good to yourself.I get that you want to help people.
It's nice knowing these videos could brighten someone's day or encourage them to try something new...
... But aren't you missing out on a lot too?
You're updating your status constantly for them.
Taking pictures for them reading and responding to comments for them.
And that's all valuable and irreplaceable time spent on your phone for them. Look where we are right now. Here's all this activities you talked about getting out of your house to enjoy something simple. Someone told me about having fun. But you're not enjoying any of it.

You sound like an old woman.
Are you telling me to brush my hair and to dress more properly. And be more like lady?

Well I also give you advice like you said to others: Practice what you preach and take care of yourself as much you say to your followers too.
Set your phone aside and live your life for yourself not for them.
You have to care about your life first.

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