Chapter 24 - First Fight

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You are really something.

Anyways your friends did really great damage compared to me their rate is the lowest. Nothing   but still small fryes.


Yeah, I guess you wouldn't be...

After all it was pointless existence to begin with.

Though that goes for you.

They think they can be someone if they actually try.

Armada looks at Etzia with a gloomy emotion.




What? What's with that look?


Hey, why do you have to minimize others? 

Calling them small fry?

Well, I just realized that they might actually have been okay guys, that's all especially Pisa.

Compared you... you need to work on okay part.


Think that you can keep that smug on your face forever.

I'll make you submit to me with your fighting. I'm going to come at you with full power and no brakes I will show you who is the best with power!


That's dangerous. You could hurt yourself or someone. Stop that.


Are you trying to say that won't get hurt.

Quit underestimating me come to me with your force.

Armada is a position to fight with Etzia and suddenly runs towards her and slam her head in the ground and throw her with her strength and her great speed.


Whats wrong? You just going to keep defending yourself?


Stop that.

Armada looks at Etzia, where she made the hole, and where she threw Etzia into a wall.


Show me what you got I know your two friends been hold by my two worthies' fighters.

I know you will do same thing for me.

If you're not going to show me your fighting, I guess I will force you your way out.

Ill just see how much you can take by administrating an endurance test.

Armada uses flying kick to Etzia throwing to the wall making another hole. 

Armada uses the big junks of walls throwing at Etzia. 


That stuff is dangerous. You shouldn't point -.


Don't order me around.

You'll reduce your demise that way.

I'm sure you will fight me back.


 you'll feel like fighting back.

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