Chapter 5 A special child in the family

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The families of society have to meet less so they can have a strong connection. Etzia family, they have to meet her mom's parents' house to spend Etzia Juvenitte. They meet only on special occasions, but not too often. They will celebrate Veerk Juvennite they have to meet in two months at dad's parents' house. The family takes turns celebrating their Juvennite at each of their grandparents' houses. Mom, Kalise, Etzia and Grandma are in the kitchen. Others are making arrangements in the backyard for the gathering.


"I am making spaghetti."


"That sounds delicious. I am sure my cousins will love it. It will be nice to try our food for a change."


"Your dad is coming a little late to buy your present because it took him weeks to find one, and you know he can become picky about presents."


"How long will it take for your sister and her family to come?"


"I am not sure, but they have to come because they said they would buy a cake."


"Is your older brother coming too?"


"They are also coming, so you can relax with your cousins and know that we are doing well and that we have friendly terms. Anyway, we will eat outside, and your grandfather is also cooking outdoors; he is grilling chicken. Kalise and your grandma are making desserts. Riette and Veerk are setting the tables."


"I hope everyone will have the pleasure of coming."

(Everyone was in the backyard; the little kids were playing, the adults were having conversations, and the older kids were in their group. Etzia's dad asked her and her cousin Sarita, the same age as her, to go to the store and bring the drinks because he forgot to buy them. Both girls are riding their bikes to the store.)


"We should buy a variety of drinks so we can nutrients."


"Sure, I need to make an excuse to spend how many things I can buy."

(Both are in front of the store.)


"Sarita, I need to go to the coffee shop to buy pastries with the money that your father gave me for the Juvenitte. I want to buy new pastries, and this is a special day because they are on sale."


"You know, cousin, every time we meet, it feels like you are the first person to show the things you are fond of, and everyone in the family eats sweets even though we don't recognize the flavor it just food, some are good and has nutrients you just eat them."


"I can taste some food and tell which sweets are too much for me. It is just not for me; somehow it is not approved of me. People don't bother about the flavor; they only see the food as fit to eat. I don't hate or fond of sweets. Is like not accepting things that I can lick, like candy; I prefer things I can bite, and besides, if it's a homemade bakery, I don't like other shops that exaggerate, putting on too much sweet stuff and a lot of toppings. They have bread that is not sweet either way. It's just a thing of me. You won't understand. Just get moving."

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