Chapter 28 -Plan

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No. why would I ever expect incompetent, disposable lackeys like you. I know what kind of people you are.


You're going to be killed Pisa.

Man #1

I see.. Well try protecting yourself with the spoon-bending that you're good at,

The man goes straight at Pisa with a punch.

Pisa use her elbow to knock them out.



W-Whoa You probably didn't need us.


No, needed to show them that we were powerless that was I open the lock but soon you will be good on your way don't worry Tao soon you can be in the action.

This is a blind spot for that security camera Aiden can you teleport somewhere and quickly save Wesley.

Now were going to have to rely on your directions that Wesley will give you.

Raelyn can we count on you on your hearing.


Huh me?.... Sure thing.


Tell us if you here footsteps coming our way.

Etzia and others are hiding in the bush.


Look we have here.... there're some tough guys standing by the entrance. 

What do wanna do.


You need to think too.


Let's think rescuing Pisa.


This will be fun.

Armada jumps up at them and knock of them.

Alright let's go!

Pisa and others are hiding in the corner.


Raelyn are we clear in this hall.


This way.

Erida uses her claws to destroy the cameras. 

Armada and other turn to left until they encounter the goons of the Order of Pandora

Goon #1

Who are you?

Freyda punch his stomach and knocks him out.


1st, we need to find out where they're holding your friend. and Listen Etzia don't get in my way.


Oh, right....


Her casual attitude is throwing me off.... this is supposed to be a tense situation.

Another goon shows up.

Goon #2

Who are you?

Freyda punch him throw him at the ceiling. 



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