Chapter 23 - Strange Encounter

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Harumi and her gang were fighting with other bullies of other school and suddenly they bumped into Red Spades and stop their fighting.


Hey, watch out I hope you don't get hurt if you get near us with our affairs.

Phillip Cooper 

We are busy here we don't need weaklings crying here maybe we will use you a warm up before we use the real fight!



Neil  (one of the members of Red Spades)

Dont be cocky you don't know anything rookies.

Few minutes later...

The Harumi and Phillip group were all in the ground.


But isn't this a bit overboard?


It had to be done.

They had the nerve to stand up to us.

IF you show losers like these that you're out of their league, and we should show them how different people can be in the real world.

Etzia and Cyd were looking in the message.

They lie about the message it is anonymous and you are unpopular to realize that.

So this is a lie?

Let it go Etzia, Let it go.

The Red Spades read a message from an anonymous person.

[Challenge. By Stone. You took real good care of us last time our helper will deal with you this time come to abandoned warehouse. Bring as many as you want. Don't runway hooligans.]

This is from someone called themselves Stone.

Who are they?
What it says here.

I think hooligans are you guys.

Other kids
Neele, you are so smart.

Of course, what it takes me for.
How dumb this Stone can be.

Other kids

Harumi and her gang were planning.

You have to fight poison with poison. I send a message to Etzia and to other guys who we fight them. My plan is so perfect that I scare myself. Now we just have to wait for the prey to take the bait and make our move.


But the girl is not poison.


I said she is poison.



Ling Lao

Do you know who they were Harumi?


They are nobodies we will make sure they never humiliate us again.

Ling Lao
I am sure the others will be there, but the girl from INNO Club will be there.

No, they'll definitely fall for it. Just in case I wrote the message for the other gang about what Stone looks like and for Etzia, I wrote her I about a secret admirer that will ask her for help.

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