Chap 16 - Adjusting

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Detective Collins

"I added house's rules."

Rule #1: If someone knocks on the door, don't open it to anyone but only me.


"What about Professor Hyroshi?"

Detective Collins

"I don't trust that guy in my house."

Rule #2: Be on time in the house. This area is dangerous if you approach menacing things or unusual things stay away from them and go straight to the house."

Rule #3: If you don't know, ask. The rest of the rules that you know I will not remind you because you already grown up. "


"Okay, I will remember."

Detective Collins 

Also, Etzia I know I let you stay in my house, but I don't want you to stay all the time in my house or be in the streets. I don't know what you are doing, and I decided to send you to school.

And I don't want to be an irresponsible adult."


"What happens if I leave so soon?"

Detective Collins

"I don't think it will happen so soon."


"Okay, so where do I have to go?"

Detective Collins

"I think you look like a middle scholar, so I will send you to Stonewall Hills, which is a middle school and a high school.

And you will start by tomorrow."

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Etzia came to this world she doesn't know some things that Detective Collins and Professor Hiroshi were saying and doesn't know how things will be.

Detective Collins and Etzia are in the kitchen, having breakfast.

Detective Collins

"Do you remember from yesterday that you can choose to walk to school or take the bus to get there?"



Detective Collins

"It is not far away, and you will be fine on your first day of school."

Did you like the breakfast I made?"


"It was edible."

Detective Collins

"I only wanted to know what food you like to eat."


"Just make the food to eat because I don't know what foods are edible around here."

Detective Collins

"Did you ever have toast, eggs, or apple juice?"


"This is my first time eating them."

Etzia learns to use fork and knows what the spoon are used for.

Detective Collins

"I think you have too much to learn around here. I am surprised that you barely know about this food. What type of country doesn't produce this kind of food?" Are you one of those kids who no one has fed you? Not everyone is as fortunate as you are.

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