Coffee Break ☕

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Did you enjoy Coffee talks on Coffee break.

Obsession can't let you enjoy other things and gives you insolation if you break the cycle, you can do anything.

Zack Night is a British singer he can sing Hindi and other languages.

When Zack says they are talking about everyone's intentions of hurting someone.
There are other countries who are suffering too, and they are taking innocent lives.

There will be people taking innocent lives around you in the present and near future.

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A Short Story -  Embracing Diversity: Amina's Quest for Acceptance in New York

In the bustling city of New York, Amina found herself adrift in a sea of faces that always seemed to misunderstand her. She had come from Nigeria with dreams of success and adventure, but instead, she faced a barrage of stereotypes that left her feeling isolated and alone.

At a trendy restaurant in the heart of the city, Amina experienced firsthand the ignorance and prejudice that many people harbored towards her. The waiter, a young man with bright eyes and a ready smile, asked her with a confused expression, "When did you move from Jamaica?" Amina's heart sank. It seemed that to him, every black person with an accent must be Jamaican.

As she sat at her table, the clinking of glasses and laughter of other diners seemed to mock her. A group of women at the next table leaned over and one squealed, "You must be from Africa! I've always wanted to go on a safari and see the elephants!" Amina forced a smile, but inside, she felt a deep sense of disillusionment. How could people reduce her identity to tired stereotypes and assumptions?

Days turned into weeks, and Amina struggled to find her place in the city that never slept. She walked the crowded streets, her steps heavy with the weight of loneliness and frustration. The vibrant colors of the city that had once dazzled her now seemed muted, as if drained of their magic by the pervasive cloud of misunderstanding that surrounded her.

One evening, as she navigated the crowded subway, a young man caught her eye. He was different from the others, his gaze soft and understanding. Without a word, he handed her a small card with a smile. On it, a quote was written in elegant script: "Do not judge others by their accent or appearance, for true beauty lies in the diversity of our stories."

As Amina looked up, she saw that the man was gone, lost in the swirl of bodies on the platform. But his words lingered in her mind, a spark of hope in the darkness of her disillusionment. She realized that she could not change the prejudices of others, but she could change how she responded to them.

With renewed determination, Amina set out to carve her own path in the city. She embraced her heritage and culture, sharing her stories with those who were willing to listen. And slowly, she found a tribe of like-minded souls who saw her for who she truly was, not the stereotypes that tried to define her.

As she walked the streets of New York, the thing around her neck - a beaded necklace of her grandmother's - felt like a talisman against the ignorance and prejudice that still lurked in the shadows. But Amina no longer felt alone. She had found her voice and her place in a city that thrived on diversity and acceptance, and she knew that her story was just beginning.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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