"Atta Boy"

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Olivia's PoV

When I wake up the next morning, in a bed that isn't mine. Without Rafe. I grow confused but it suddenly becomes more then clear when I see that Rafe had put on black clothing. His black top and jeans gone from the chair that was sat there last night.
I am a fool. He never intended in listening to me. Even if I lay bare with him, he'd choose what he wants to do first.
Last night made me feel fragile, I let him see how it made me feel and yet he still got up and left.
The sharp pain in my chest made me want to rip my own heart out through my ribs.

I trusted him. Last night- I trusted him and I made the wrong decision.

Rafe Cameron's POV

As she sleeps softly. I untuck myself from her, getting up slowly.
Trying not to wake her, she was pretty when she slept.
'He deserves for his cock to be cut off and fed to him'
Those were her words not mine, but I'd make sure it happens.
Wether she likes it or not. He was going to die.
Leaving her led there vulnerable, made my stomach twist.

She thought I chose my option. But the third was the only one I'd take.
Have her and kill Dylan. It was selfish. More then selfish. But I have always been that way and I wasn't about to change now because some pretty girl lay in my bed.
Still. Having her last tonight felt different, it felt like I was betraying her if I leave now but I pushed those feelings aside and got dressed.

Olivia's POV

It was barely light outside, everyone asleep. I get up feeling sore for some reason. Maybe my own body was telling me that Rafe was the wrong person.
I needed to stop giving him so much power- I've been saying to myself that I don't care about him and now I need to show it.
Telling myself that me and Rafe wouldn't date ever. Then I need to start dating other people, getting out there and stopping whatever is happening between me and Rafe.

I should be on my way to stop Rafe but honestly I didn't want to give him the satisfaction.
I was done. He chose his option. He chose wrong.

Rafe Cameron's POV

I knock on his door, of course he opened it. He quickly tries to close the door when he sees my face, clearly expecting me to hurt him. Which he'd be right but he doesn't have to know that right now.
"Hey- I heard what happened between you and Olivia. I wanted to apologise on her behalf. She can be such a fucking tease" my hand stopped the door pushing it open again.
I saw him visibly relax when he thought I was on his side.
"Can I come in?" I ask politely, of course he invites me in. Stupid.

He makes us both coffee as we sit down across from each other.
"Olivia told you what happened?" Dylan swallows as he picks up his coffee.
"She said she gave you hints all night and when you finally made a move she ran for the hills. Typical" I roll my eyes. Playing along.
"Yeah- honestly. Then your other buddy punched me! All because Olivia couldn't just sit there and get ducked down. Almost acting as if it was a punishment" Dylan scoffs in disgust, his tone told me he fully believes what he's saying.

"She can be a slut sometimes. Tell me what happened from your side and I bet I can tell you a similar story that happened with her and my brother" I wanted to puke when I saw his face light up at the word 'slut'
Olivia was anything but a slut but I had to play along. I was doing well considering I wanted to stab myself as I said these things.

"Ok so- she arrives in a skimpy dress, fluttering her lashes at me and me being a gentleman, I offer her a tour. The whole way round she was all over me. I show her my room last because that's obviously where she wanted to end up- gotta keep em waiting a little huh?" He laughs at himself and I painfully cringe but push out a light chuckle.
"Anyway- show her my room and I start to push up her dress, about to do some finger action but she then starts to be a bitch so I'm about to put her in her place when she-" before he could finish, the coffee glass breaks in my hand.

My grip so tight on the mug that it shatters, making him jump in the process.
I quickly lunge at him, taking out a small pocket knife flipping it open as I grin.
"Show me what finger's you were gunna use Dylan? Come on. We're all men here" I smirk as he shakes from fear.
"I'm guessing these ones" I grab him right hand, pinning it to the coffee table.

"You have two options. You cut your fingers off or I do" I shrug as he tried to pull away from my grip.
Sighing slightly "I'm guessing I'm gunna have to do this. Typical."

Liv's POV

Couple days left until I can come home again.
My parents will leave me and Topper alone and life can be normal. Again.
I start tidying my room, showering and keeping myself distracted. I couldn't think about what Rafe was doing right now or why.
Or that he chose killing over me.
It was far to early to go down stairs to clean or cook, I'd wake everyone up.

Rafe Cameron's POV

"There we go! Atta boy. See now we're done here" I stand up. Watching Dylan cry.
He was holding his crotch, seems that when you say to someone that they can either die or cut off the their own tip of their penis they'd actually cut it off.
Blood was staining the white couches and rugs, his two fingers Id cut off first still on the coffee table.
"Now. Dylan. What have you learned?" I crouch down, my elbows resting on my knees as he cowers away.

"Dylan! What have you learned?!" My voice raises slightly as he whimpers finally talking "don't touch girls without consent again- don't touch Olivia and don't talk" his voice was unsteady as he cried silently.
"Good. To be honest Dylan. I came here to take your life but this seems more satisfactory" he'd have a deformed penis for the rest of his life and missing two fingers.
Plus the pain is gotta be a bitch.
"No- please! I won't talk" he cried more, stuffing his face into the white carpet.

"Alright enough. I also don't want to see you or your buddies at the beach near the house again. Got it?" He nods at my demand.
I leave quickly. I was a mess. Blood was splattered on my face and clothes from cutting off his fingers.
I didn't expect them to spray so much blood but it's done now so.
I'd get home take these clothes off, shower and then burn them.
Hopefully Olivia will still be asleep and clueless.

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