A Special Announcement

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Hey there, my amazing Darlings! I have some exciting news to share with you all. While I originally planned to wait for more input on what direction to take in the upcoming chapters, my first reader's feedback has convinced me to go with their suggestion. So, without further ado, I'm thrilled to announce that the boys will be staying together! (Apologies I don't know your pronouns, SkettiMomma ).

In future chapters, we'll dive deeper into the bonds that unite our beloved characters. We'll explore the challenges they face, the adventures they embark on, and the unwavering support they provide for one another. Love will be at the forefront as they navigate through a series of thrilling encounters, all while staying true to the values that make their relationships so special.

Get ready to join me on this incredible journey as we witness the power of love with these amazing boys. Together, we'll experience heartwarming moments, face unexpected obstacles, and ultimately celebrate the unbreakable bond that holds them together.

Stay tuned for an unforgettable chapters filled with love, laughter, and the magic of Bakugo's explosions. Buckle up, my Babes, because this is going to be a wild ride!

Let me know if there's anything specific you'd like to include or any other ideas you have for Chapter 11.

Also Babes! I have a fantastic recommendation for you all. Make sure to get your hands on "I'm Not a Villain" by SkettiMomma. It's an incredible journey filled with surprises. And if you're a fan of Izuku, you'll absolutely love Izuku's Ending or Katsuki's Ending, I mainly prefer Izuku's Ending though.


Word Count:264

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