chapter 31

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Elisa took a seat beside nadira in the living room -" you look pale....are you ok?"

Elisa nods as karem and arnav looks at her - " should we call the doctor"

Elisa smiles at them -" dont worry am fine....what is keeping the four of them so long?"

Karem said to her -" payal will reach any moments from now  she texted me a few minutes ago "

Arnav said to them -" aman almost reach the mansion "

Nadira said to them -" khushi and hayat are stuck in traffic....they will reach soon "

Just then payal and aman entered the mansion and walks to the living room -" hey guys "

Payal gave karem a sweet smile and sat beside him as nadira roll her eyes -" karem was the only one you saw here right?"

Payal looks at her and smirks -" opps sorry.....hey everyone "

Nadira made a disgusted face -" ah whatever "

Aman sat beside nadira giving her a kiss on her cheek as sh3 giggles -" hey how are you and elisa doing?"

Nadira  fine...anyone why are you qsking me of elisa when she is sitting right in front of you "

Aman said to her -" because she will lie to me....and her face look sick and pale "

Everyone looks at her and elisa snapped -" just stop it guys am very fine "

Nadira said to her -" oh that hurt....when did the cool elisa become harsh and moody?"

Elisa roll her eyes as arnav says -" and sarcastic"

Everyone giggles as a voice said -" enjoying without us right?"

They all look at the entrance and saw a chuckling hayat and abusy khushi talking on the phone -" that is you know what you are talking about?....ok that is some stupid supertitions....grow up dont you dare come to india without completing your job there....and if that is the case hayat should be one guarding me and not you bye and take care of yourself "

Saying this she hangs up and saw everyone looking at her -" that is daniella....she said she had a weird dream of me being pregnant and an animal human like biting me "

Everyone chuckles as nadira says -" she is just making up an excuse to escape from her own pathetic "

Everyone laughs as they took seat and got into a heated conversation.

Nadira says -" when did events planners suddenly turns into  an undercover agents of the government?"

Hayat laughs hardly as karem just couldnt stop stop staring at her.

Aman said to them -" mara and daniel will arrive at the airport in two hours time and so we select some of you to go or jr will get suspicious....i,khushi, daniel, mara, hayat and nadira will go with a ship and the rest of you will follow with a boat nearby.....i dont know what this jr is upto so we have to be very careful "

Everyone nods as elisa get up -" am thirsty....i will go for a glass of water "

She took steps but suddenly felt dizzy and holds her head as the rest runs to her , arnav carries her and looks at nadira -" call the doctor "

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