chapter 35

662 35 3

The sky changes as they see the sun and the blood sea and smiles happily and they heard the sound of an helicopter and it came down a little and saw max waving at them and they smiles happily.


Arnav is being operated on.

Hayat says -" i cant believe you are saying that we have disappeared for two weeks "

Luis says -" guys have been gone for two weeks, we come to the sea everyday if we can see the ship "

Karem laughs drily -" i cant believe it "

Mara says -" believe magic, we were there for two weeks because there is no day and night remains the same "

They nods as nadira asked -" where is payal ?"

Max says -" she is taking rest.....she was truamatize when she saw the ship disappear in front of her eyes "

Nadira place her head on max shoulder but he moved back and nadira get confused -" what happened ?"

Max said to her -" we need to private "

Nadira just nods and the two walks out of there and everyone was confused now but elisa and luis sighs.

Khushi asked elisa -" what is it ?"

Elisa said to her -" someone sent a nude photo of elisa and a guy but the guy's face was not seen "

Hayat says -" so max doesnt trust nadira and decide to interrogate her....unbelievable "

Luis said to elisa -" you need to rest now "

Elisa said to him -" you are not to tell me how to take care of myself "

Hayat smirks -" ouch that hurt "

Khushi pinch her and gave her a siginal to keep quiet but zhe roll her eyes.

The doctor came there and smiles at them -" he is fine now....but you can not see him now "

All smiles happily and nods, just then they saw radha, garima,  and maya walking to them.

Radha smiles at them -" how is he ?"

Elisa said to her -" he is out of dangsr....the doctor just told us

Garima says -" oh thank god.....i nearly had a heart attack if anything happen to my son in law "

Radha said to her -" not yet "

Garima smitks at her -" very soon "

Daniella looks at radha -" did you come with them aunty ?"

Radha look in horror -" god forbid....i cant stand them....they met me at the reception "

They nods as maya slowly sat on a bench there and garima asked her -" are you ok ?"

Maya looks at her mother -" no more....i feel kind of dizzy...and..."

Maya fainted right on the bench as radha call a nurse.

Whiles nadira and max are in the lodge where patients go for a walk, walk nadira throws the photos on his face -" so what are you trying to say ?"

Max in an angry tone said to her -" what do you also think? call me a womanizer and what are you ?"

Nadira slaps him hard on the cheek -" not one more dont have the rights to point on my character......i love you max but there is no trust in this relationship.....i think we should cut it of "

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