chapter 33

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Luis entered the room with a pale, confuse, frustrated face but was more shocked to see elisa and covered his emotions on his face -" you are here?"

Elisa nods -" yes .... I have looked every for you but i cant find tell me, where were you?"

Luis gulos and said to her -" well....i was out....yes i went outside "

Elisa nods and said to him -" ok....if you say dinner time...freshen up and come down....i have a news for everyone "
Luis just nods as elisa walks out of the room.

Dharma is in the prayer room praying when daljeet and laksmi came there -" granny let pray for my aunties.....danger is around them "

The two sisters look at her -" your aunties?"

Laksmi nods and look up at them -" yes khushi buaji, rachana buaji....hayat buaji, nadira buaji and mara......i wonder how they will come out of it.....let just hope that they come back alive "

Daljeet looks at dharma as the three of them pray.

They finished having dinner when elisa says -" i have an annoucement to make"

All looks at her as she continues -" am heading to delhi.....our family is in danger, jerry romana.....the father of mara has trapped us....aman, khushi, hayat, rachana and daniel are in his ship and the rest are following him in a boat in a middle of the sea.....daniella is on er way to india with aly , am meeting rudra.....we have to get them "

All gulps shocked and scared as luis says -" why didnt you tell me before?....this is serious "

Elisa looks at him -" i would have told you if you werent busy cuddling with anjali "

All are stunned as anjali smirks -" i can explain "

Elisa said to him -" there is nothing for you to explain "
Daljeet looks at luis -" what did you do ?...really luis ?"

Luis said to her -" please let me explain "

Dharma said to him -" you keep your explaination to yourself for now...n ow how are they going to be saved?......elisa please go with both should go we will pray "

Elisa said to her -" no maaji...i dont want him near me "

Dharma caresses her hair -" please listen to me and go with him "

Elisa just nods and they headed to delhi with a private jet to reach faster.


Jr took khushi to the end of the ship scaring her like shit -" scared right khushi?.....i will certainly kill you but not see there....the sun is rising but you will not see sunset "

Khushi said to him -" who are you?....and what do you want from us?"

Jr said to her -" am a wounded immortal......i want the blood of mara and i will become powerful, .......everyone who is involve with mara has to die and so each one of you is going to die......your sister victoria now has the heart of my wife.....dimples wanted her own death and she had it.....victoria is going to give birth to immortal......she has the heart of an immortal "

Khushi looks at him shocked as he continues -" and must die and give your blood to the demons of the sea because you have a pure see a rod the very end of the going to tie you there....even the waves of the sea can kill you "

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