So... I'm doing a thing.

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Hi! Hope you're all doing well. ☺️

Wow... 700k reads.

I remember when I hit 500 and thought that was wild 😂 We've come a long way since then and I still need to finish book 3 🙈

The enjoyment and love that came from writing Quirky actually inspired a novel I will be publishing... soon!

It took some time and has stunted my updates quite a bit - sorry!! Obviously, the story had to become its own - it couldn't take place in the world of MHA. So, I spent a lot of time developing something new and complimentary so that I could still host my OCs and ideas/situations.

It won't be Quirky, however, it is loosely based off of Y/N and her adventures as a demon... (hint!)

Heller and Monarch will also be reinvented and reintroduced in the series. I'm doing my best to keep the stories very separate so you can still enjoy the Quirky books freely 👍

IF for some reason you were curious about this new book - OR happen upon a book where the fabulous godfather shows resemblance to our beloved Monarch - have no fear. It's probably just me and my new series! 🤣 (First book arrives 2024)

That's part of the reason why I'm sharing my Tiktok here in the WILD chance anyone picks up a book and goes "Ah... wait. Quirky?!" 😂
Unlikely, but still!

Again, I made TONS of changes. We're talking angels, demons, vampires, etc and less about superheroes... And I actually had editors fix my garbage typos. (Hopefully all of them...)

Anyway, find me on TikTok at @goode_author !
If you'd like 💁‍♀️ It's nothing fancy - I honestly don't do much there except be awkward and occasionally post something book related 🤪

Also my website!

Once I'm out of this nervous headspace of imposter syndrome, excitement, joy, and despair, I will do my best to finish the fanfics!
Until then, be safe and rock on 🤘

And thank you for the support. It was a joy to read your comments 😂😂❤️

QUIRKY! (MHA x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now