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        There's been cheerfulness in the air lately. It's been a week since the whole blow out and since Holland asked me out. When I told Ivy, she was over the moon, so was Wren and the other guys, minus Dustin. He still hasn't come around to us being together, but none of us are worrying about that.

        Despite the air being happy this past week, I woke up with a bad gut feeling. You know how before you get bad news, you just know hours before that something bad is going to happen? It's one of those feelings. I haven't figured out what it could be yet, but so far all of my classes have been okay, everyone in the group is fine, and a few days ago when my mom and I talked she said everyone there is doing good.

        After my last class, I stop by the store to pick up things for dinner tonight. Ever since the guys figured out I could cook, they request actual meals. I guess they finally figured out that fast food, microwavable food, and precooked frozen food aren't that good for you. Granted, they are guys so I wouldn't expect them to know how to cook a five course meal, but surely one of them would know how to make Hamburger Helper or at least an actual burger.

        When I have the stuff for dinner, I head home. Ready to exchange my thick jeans for a pair of shorts, and beyond ready to get out of this damn bra- I tried to be part of the 'free the tities' party, but I couldn't do it- I'm also ready to curl up on the couch and watch hockey with the guys. Which is something I never thought I would say, but I guess college changes you. I'm pretty sure I am a hockey expert at this point.

       As I pull into the driveway, I notice that none of the guys are here yet. Usually I am happy about that, but I don't feel like being alone today. Ever since their hockey season started, the house is empty most days with them either away at games or at practice. The only time they request dinner is if they will be here, and usually Holland is here around the same time I am, the others come within an hour of us being here.

       I make my way inside, stopping in the kitchen to put the bags down, and then heading up stairs to change. Once I am in more comfortable clothes, I head downstairs to start dinner. I like it being hot when the guys get home. The weather is turning colder by the day and no one likes reheated food.

        Getting out all the ingredients I bought, I set them next to the stove, then get a pot to boil the noodles and a pan to cook the meat. While I let the water boil, my phone rings, I answer it without looking, "Hello?"

        "Hey babe, what are you up to?" My moms voice floats through the speaker. I can tell something's wrong, she's been crying.

        I dump the noodles in before answering, "I am cooking dinner for the guys. What are you up to?" I ask. When I told her I got stuck living with guys, she laughed. Pretty much every time she calls, she makes a point to talk to whichever ones are around.

        She sighs, "Nana passed away," she pauses, "they said she seemed to have a heart attack while she was sleeping. They said she went peacefully." She tells me, and I drop the spatula I pulled out. "I'm sorry I had to call and tell you."

        I slid down the wall next to the stove, hands shaking, and labored breathing, somehow still holding on to my phone, "Who found her?" I ask. If it was my mom or Rebel, I'll leave tonight. I've already decided that I'm leaving in the morning, but if it was one of them, then they aren't going through that alone.

        "Her house cleaners, they found her this morning," she stops. "Before you ask why I didn't call when I knew, my answer is because I knew you had early classes, and I haven't even told Rebel yet. I'm telling him when he gets home." I nod even though she can't see me.

        "I'll be there in a few hours. I love you, tell Rebel I love him. I have to go." I don't give her a chance to answer, I just hang up.

        Nana is gone. At the age of fifty six, she's gone.

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