23: Oaklynn

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After my talk with Dustin, he did his best to steer clear of me. Thankfully, that'll end tonight since I am being dragged to their hockey game. I don't even know how I got roped into going, because my excuse has been the fact that I know absolutely nothing about hockey.

"Oaklynn, do you have Holland's jersey? Because you have to wear it. It's like the number one rule of being a hockey girlfriend. I wear Dustin's since wearing my brother's would be weird, Levi wears Bryce, and Wren and Kane give theirs to whoever they plan on fucking this week." Ivy informs me, and I give her a blank stare. "I'm being honest. They don't have anyone to give theirs too long term, so they give it to someone different every week." She shrugs.

We've been getting ready for this hockey game for two hours now. Something about this is one of their biggest games because it's against Ohio State. I could be wrong, because not going to lie, I checked out half way through the conversation. "Yes I have his jersey, and you explain again why we need face paint and these strands in our hair? It's just a hockey game." I finally responde, Ivy acts as if I've offended her, and Levi let out a loud gasp.

Ivy sets down her curling wand, "I say all this with love, okay?" She asks, and I nod, "I get you didn't go to sporting events back home, but all of this is necessary. The face paint and strands are support for our team because the jerseys aren't enough. Our hair has to be done because we want to look hot. We have to wear layers otherwise we'll freeze to death. And lastly, we need these signs because everyone needs to know who we are there to support." Levi nods as she lists off everything we need to do, and I stare at both of them dumbfounded.

"Babe, this is your first game. Let us prepare you for the future ones. Let me break it down. Jerseys mean your fucking the person, face paint and stands just looks hot, signs are to show the guys we were there, hair is to look hot as Ivy said, the layers of clothing are to stay warm, but also so when we go out afterwards we'll still look hot." Levi breaks down what Ivy said, and I nod, still not understanding what the big deal is.

Instead of voicing my opinion, I finish getting ready. Levi and Ivy tell me how hockey works, and thankfully they explain it in dummy form otherwise I'd be lost. "The 'C' is for captain, which you're a lucky bitch, because your boyfriend wears the 'C'. The 'A' is for alternative captain, which is Dustin and Wren." Levi adds to whatever Ivy just said.

I guess I've given off the impression that I am completely clueless to sports. "Guys, I know I seem dumb when it comes to sports, but I promise I'm not. I just needed to know how the points work, the rules, and how long it is." I explain, and they laugh. "I'm being serious! If any of you played football or baseball or volleyball, then I wouldn't have to ask questions. But no, they have to play a sport that isn't very big in the south."

"We can listen to your whines later. We need to leave now if we want to get good seats." Ivy says, as she starts unplugging everything we've plugged in. When she has everything unplugged, she gives herself a satisfied nod, then turns to us, "Lee, grab the wipes please. Oak, grab our purse please. I'm going to go ahead and start the car. Come out whenever you're ready." She tells us, and we give her a quick okay.

The moment she's out of ear shot, Levi and I look at eachother. "She's seeing someone." He states, and I nod. We don't know if she is or not, but we've been assuming for a while. "This is what? The third game she's been squirrelly before." He questions, and I nod again.

"Wanna bet who she's seeing? We can even bring the other's in." I challenge, and he nods. "Okay, we'll do ten each. That'll be seventy in total. We'll give the money to Bryce to hold." He nods. "Who's your money on?" I ask.

I know he'll say one of the hockey players we don't really know, and that's fair. But the ones we don't really know are freshmen. "Bets going on Derek. He's good looking, Ivy's type through the years, single, and someone Wren would approve of." He explains, and I want to laugh.

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