Chapter 3

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Jacob had walked out of the pub and stood a few meters away from the car that had brought Aisha and her two friends. He brought out his phone and called Razaq.

"Hello, Jacob how is C-Section?" Asked Razaq.
"You need to try it out. Bring your girlfriend over one of these days." He said, as he walked up to his car and got in.

"Why? Did you find something interesting?" Jacob moved away and got back into his car.

" I have a number plate. Can you get details on the car?"

"Is it in anyway connected to C-Section?" Asked Razaq.
"I don't know yet."
"Well, C-Section is quite interesting. Want the details, Jacob?"
"Anything to do with extraction?"
"Well it's part of the Benue group of companies..."
"You mean, like their hospitality division?" Jacob asked.

*Talk of hospitality, and you are talking hotels, holiday resorts, Spas, night clubs..."

"And definitely pubs right?" Asked Jacob.
"Correct. But C-Section is also interesting because it's the creation a pretty young woman." Razaq sent the photo of Aisha to Jacob's phone.

"Aisha Benue, heiress and only daughter of oil tycoon, Erasmus Benue. Isn't she a beauty, Jacob?" Jacob sighed and chuckled at the coincidence. He now knew why Aisha had talked to him with a certain air of arrogance.

"C-Section. Her mother probably had a difficult childbirth." He said.

"Is that the extraction you think happened?" Asked Razaq.
"Maybe." He kept looking at the image of Aisha with a sudden thought to get in contact with her. And then a strange idea came to him. he smiled and wanted to try it out.

"Razaq, I need you to use some of your programming skills and hook me up with her."

"Ah wait, she's high-profile, Jacob."
"Is security too tight?"
"Twenty-four hours I guess. But daytime she has three bodyguards around her anywhere she goes. I guess meeting her is impossible."

"Well connect me to her phone. Make it a video call."
"Video call? Why?" Asked Razaq
"You know how these ladies like to shop? Maybe she's trying out some new bra and wants to post it on Instagram." Jacob laughed as he said that, making Razaq shake his head.

Jacob had guessed right. Aisha was trying out a new bra that she had bought after she left her two friends. The meeting with Jacob had made her to reflect a lot on her love life. Miss Bradley, the English woman had made her realize that there was a man for her. Aisha saw in Jacob everything that Miss Bradley had told her about the man, that she would eventually meet. But she just didn't want to believe that it was Jacob, that man.

She was standing in front of the mirror in her bedroom, trying out a green front clasp seamless bra. She had placed her phone by the side of the mirror. Satisfied with how it fitted her, she decided to video call her two friends.

"Hey girls," she said, as the call went through. "How do you like my new outfit?"
"Interesting." Came a male voice. Aisha picked up her phone in time to catch a glimpse of the person who had responded. It was a brief second but she thought she had seen Jacob.

"Nooo!" She said alarmed by the intrusion. "What are you doing on my phone? How did you get in?" She murmured angrily. Immediately she ran out of the bedroom. The housemaid was passing by and caught a glimpse of her. Shocked, she turned back towards the direction she had come from.

When Aisha met the maid running back after seeing her, she realized that she was wearing only a panty and bra. She quickly ran back into her room and slammed the door shut. She was furious and kept cussing the person she thought was Jacob.

"Good job, Razaq." Jacob laughed as he had cut the video call.

"Jacob, you could get yourself into real trouble for what we did." Said Razaq

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