Chapter 27

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Florence Igwe, twenty-eight,  a computer science graduate, saw her whole world come crashing down one fine Monday afternoon. That day she received a phone call that was sudden and unexpected. She worked online as a data analyst, for an overseas company.

Her house was her office as she spent a better part of the day, in there. She set her own work schedule and tried as much as she could, to keep strictly to it. The morning hours was when she put in all her energy to do the most work. Afternoons were less hectic and so she would from time to time, take a brief break. It was during one of such pauses that she received Jacob's phone call.

"Hello, Florence?" Florence smiled as she took hold of the phone. Knowing that Jacob was at the other end and hearing his voice, always gave her a joy she could never describe. But this particular phone call, took away her smile.

"Jacob, how's your day going? I mean whatever it is you're doing, right now?"
"I'm busy as usual." He had told her.
"Okay, so that means we'll see in the even, right?" Jacob sighed because he was about to tell her something that would devastate her.

"Ehm, Florence, I think I may not come back." He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Leaving Florence was hard, but equally hard was telling her. Florence became agitated and started pacing up and down the house rapidly.

"No Jacob!" Her breathing intensified. "Wait, if this is a joke just stop it, okay?"
"Florence, I'm serious." Florence felt a shock she had never felt before. Talking to her over the phone wasn't the man she had fallen in love with.

"So Jacob, decided spot on to dump me after all these years?"
"No, Florence, I still love you."
"So then what is this? if there's a problem, let's try to fix it. If I did anything  wrong, let's talk. I mean, I've  always been there for you, Jacob. I mean..."
"I know. But I'm a different person now."

"How? What do you mean?" She asked. Florence couldn't believe that Jacob could end their relationship on the  spot and without any valid explanation. Their relationship seemed perfect, but Jacob had a side to him that he couldn't reveal.

A few months after they had started their relationship, Florence asked Jacob what he did for a living. Jacob told her he was a businessman who traveled a lot. Florence wasn't too convinced that he traveled for work. She thought he worked a regular job. However, she held onto what he had told her, and never asked him any further questions.

Their relationship was rock solid until he told her that it was over. Florence even though she was devastated, never gave up on him. She believed they were meant to be together. She loved him and believed he also loved her, too. However not knowing the reason why he suddenly took the decision to leave her, made her search for the answers herself.

But in searching, she realized quickly that he didn't  have a Facebook, Instagram or Twitter profile. He never used them and so his identity remained a mystery to her. On top of that and depending on the mission he was sent to, Jacob would assume different identities, by taking on a completely new name.

Florence had done her best to find out if he had brothers and sisters, family members or close friends. But throughout the years, she couldn't find any information on him or on any close relative. He never told her what he was doing, or where he was going to stay. He simply left her with no clue. Then one day by a stroke of luck she met him and Razaq while they were going to the Studio.

"Boy, na which babe dey shout your name?" Asked Razaq. Jacob turned to see who was calling him.

"Jacob do you know, her?" Asked Razaq. Florence came and without warning started hitting him with her handbag.

"So you dis man, you had the guts to dump me? How can you be so wicked?!" Jacob defended himself well, and was able to hold her and make her stop hitting him. Florence was breathing heavily and suddenly, burst into tears making Razaq tell Jacob to bring her inside the studio. When she sat down, she demanded Jacob to tell her what she had really done wrong.

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