Chapter 12

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Aisha had just got home, coming from the villa. A few minutes after she ended her call with Jacob she got up and prepared herself to go and see her mother.

Her mother wanting to talk to her, always meant that it was serious. What is going on? She thought. Her one thought immediately went to Jacob. Does she know about him? Has someone told her that they saw me with JC? So many questions ravelled her mind as to why her mother so urgently wanted to have a conversation with her.

"Mama?" Aisha had entered the house and didn't immediately see her mother. She headed towards the kitchen as oftentimes when she came home, she would meet her there giving instructions to the housemaid.

"Mama?" She got to the kitchen and saw her mother quietly sitting down and eating. Beside her was a glass  wine.

"Aisha have you eaten? Come and sit down and let us eat." Aisha welcomed the invitation but observed her mother as she used her teeth to cut into a roasted chicken wing. "I'm sure you must be famished, my daughter." She said. Aisha raised her eyebrows shocked by the language her mother had used.

"I'm not hungry mama." She said watching her mother eating voraciously.

"Eat so that you can regain your energy. And besides, the food is delicious." She said, without looking at Aisha who only stared at her with open mouth.

"Thank you mama, but I'm not hungry."
"Have you eaten?"
"No but maybe I will eat later." Her mother looked at her, blinking from time to time.
"Why?" She asked.
"Nothing, it's just that I'm a little tired, that's all." Her mother stopped eating and cast a concerned glance at her.
"Shebi you dey sick?"
"I'm fine, mama."
"So you no get wahala, malaria or fever, abi?" Aisha sighed before she replied. She knew what her mother was doing by asking all those questions. It was her way of preparing to ask the one the question that she really wanted to ask.

"Mama physically I'm fine. I don't have fever, malaria and neither do I have any wahala."

"Okay o.  So physically you are healthy. Mentally, nko?" Aisha rolled her eyes at this never ending bombardment of questions by her mother.

"Aha mama, I'm not mad o."
'In Jesus Name you will never run mad, my daughter."
"Amen." Aisha felt she knew the next question that was coming. However her mother framed it in a manner which Aisha least expected.

"But shebi you know that not everybody that has mental issues is mad?" Aisha sighed but this time she openly confronted her mother.

"Mama come straight to the point, now. Aha! All these questions here and there, me I don't understand o."

"What is it you don't understand?"
"Ah, mama on the phone you sounded like there was an emergency."

"So me wanting to be in my daughter's company, has become a crime?"
"Ah mama..."
"But were you not the one that said we do not spend enough time together?"

"You are right, mama."
"It touched me when you said that. So I decided that no matter how busy I am, I will find time for us to be together."

"That would be nice, mama." Her mother smiled at her.
"I would like that too because I'm sure you have a lot of things to tell your mother, abi?" Aisha nodded and went to the fridge to get herself a glass of wine. She felt she needed it if their conversation was going to continue. She took a glass and filled it and came back to sit down opposite her mother.

" I asked you to eat because I know you are famished, exhausted..."

"Oooh mama? I said I am not hungry."
"Coming from the villa, did you eat?"
"What? Mama?"
" I was told you left the club and ended up there with a visitor?" Aisha laughed.
"Mama who is feeding you with all this information?"
"Because the other day you said you were told that someone came close to me." Aisha picked up her glass and had brought it close to her mouth when her mother mentioned Jacob's name.
"You mean, JC?"

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