Chapter 18

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The air outside the studio was dry and stenchy. At ten in the morning, a man walked into the air-conditioned office of Franklin Bolanle's law firm, heaving a sigh of relief. His name? Mr. Kunle Ayodeji, the second son of the deceased Philip Ayodeji.

A political science graduate, and second in command of DejiTel Communications Ltd, he based his view of life on his political views. He was a staunch radical and was intent on applying radical procedures to get even with the Benue Group. At the back of his mind, he wanted to take extrajudicial measures.

"Look going to court is not my thing, Mr. Bolanle. So finding evidence and arguing the case in court, I see it as a sheer waste of resources." He told Franklin.

"So what are you suggesting we do?" Franklin asked.
"Aha, should you be asking that question?"
"As long as I am your legal counselor, I advice that we work within the law." Kunle laughed and shook his head.

"Where were you when the Benue Group hired a hitman to take out my father? Did they work work within the law?"

"Point of correction, they are not guilty until they are proven guilty. And so far we don't know if they are responsible or not. This is up for debate. That is why we have to act within the law."

Kunle sighed and shook his head once again. For him, to even the score, since a hit was taken out on his father, a hit should also be taken against the father of Aisha.

"Remember, Mr. Bolanle, a hit was ordered to take out my father." He got up and went to stand by the window. He looked outside at the sun that was shining bright in the sky. The street outside was busy, a reminder of his early days as a young boy when he was bullied.

"The streets are busy, Mr. Bolanle. The same streets, I was bullied into giving up my bicycle. It was brand new, a birthday gift, from my father. But a few day later, some street guy came up to me and told me, I was not meant to ride a new bike. That he was a sort of king of that area. That everybody had to submit to him."

" Mr. Kunle, you're an adult now. Things have changed." Franklin tried to argue.

"But can't you see that it's the same nonsense repeating? Someone is still challenging me, telling my family that they are king and that we should submit to their demands."

"That's not how I see it, Mr. Kunle." Said Franklin who was only wishing that Kunle leave his office.

"How would you, when you were going out with that stubborn girl."

"Mr. Kunle, I advise you to keep my private life out of your mouth, okay?" Kunle walked up to Franklin with both hands spread wide on Franklin's desk.

"Where were you when that girl you were sleeping with was sending threatening messages to my father?" Suddenly the door opened and both men turned to see who it was.

" Franklin?" Kunle closed his eyes and held his right hand into a fist.
"Talk of the devil and here she is." He murmured. Franklin quickly got up when he saw Aisha coming in.

"Aha, Miss Benue?" He stood in front of her and tried to block her from seeing Kunle. But Aisha had already seen him.

"Sorry, I thought you were alone. Maybe I should just wait outside till you finish."

"Do you have an appointment?" Aisha raised her eyebrows over his question.

"And since when do I need an appointment to see you, Franklin?" Kunle came forward and immediately intervened.

"Can't you see we are busy?" He said angrily. Aisha was shocked by this sudden attack from Kunle.

"And was I talking to you?" She asked, "Why not mind your business?" Kunle was shocked and pointed a finger at Aisha while addressing Franklin.

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