Chapter 32

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Franklin couldn't believe that after he had tried his best to convince Aisha to come back to him, that she would choose to follow another man. He was still shocked at how she had come down from the car and went back into the club. As she came down, he knew that she had made up her mind not to be with him anymore.

This was a big blow to him because she had dashed his hopes of them reuniting again. He went home with a singular purpose, to destroy Aisha and the Benue Group.

"Hello, Kunle I was hoping we could talk. Can you come to my office, tomorrow morning?" Franklin didn't have to wait for an answer. He knew that Kunle was all poised to get even with Aisha. He wanted to facilitate that by giving him the information he needed.

Kunle on his part, was also making arrangements to get even with Aisha. He still couldn't digest the fact that she had interfered during his meeting with Franklin in Franklin's office. On top of that, Aisha had also told him to look from within his family to find the person responsible for the murder of his father.

This alone tormented him as he felt that, it was another blow to the family's reputation. Kunle laughed when he received the phone call. He knew all along that he was right in his pursuit of Aisha and the Benue Group.

"So Franklin, have you finally come to your senses?" Franklin shook his head at the seeming provocation from Kunle. He had received enough insults from him and wasn't going to allow the insults to continue.

"I'm only doing you a favor so let it not get into your head, okay?"

"This is unlike you, Franklin. Teaming up with us, to tear down your girlfriend? What got into you?"
"Kunle!" Franklin was furious and shouted his loudest over the phone. "You have insulted me long enough and I shall not take anymore insults from you! Is that clear?"

"Chill, bro we are just having a nice, decent chat, okay? No need to reach boiling point." Franklin sighed and shook his head.

"When will you ever reason like a normal human being, Kunle? Because I see that you reason more like a child. Please grow up, okay?" Franklin told him.

"Ah, ah, now that is the type of insult I do not take kindly. Just because we as a family hired you, doesn't give you the right to say those words." Franklin laughed.

"So you also know how painful insults can be, right? Abeg, come to your senses and stop all the rubbish you are doing." Franklin cut the call and closed his eyes thinking of Aisha. Where did I go wrong with you? He thought.

The following day, he got up early and went to the office in the hope that Kunle would come and see him.

"Ehm, Franklin, listen, something came up so we just have to schedule another appointment." Kunle had called to cancel their appointment. He was suspicious as he didn't know what Franklin's intentions were for wanting them to team up. After Franklin  had cut the call, he and his brother sat down to discuss what they felt Franklin could be up to.

"Brother, I don't trust this guy one bit. He's operating like a snake. I think we should be very careful with him." Said Kunle.

"Anyway, I've never trusted him right from when I found out that he and Miss Benue were going out. Luckily he confirmed it himself." Said Patrick.

"So, at this point what do we do, now?" Kunle asked.
"We do what we have to do just to get justice."

"I think a quick solution would definitely set the records straight. I mean, instead of resorting to legal methods." Remarked Kunle.

He didn't want to waste more time than was necessary in enacting vengeance. He wanted to organize a hit, and had already started contacting a few people who could get the job done.

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