Chapter 4

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Aisha had the shock of her life following the video call. She was enraged by the intrusion into her phone. The person in question, looked like Jacob. She quickly put her clothes on and while she was doing that called her two friends.

"Hey girls, something came up and it's urgent!"
"Okay wait, how urgent?" Asked Fiona.
"Did you finally meet him?" Asked Fatiha jokingly.

"Babes this is not funny, okay?! So stop the jokes!" She shouted over the phone. In that instant she heard her name being called.

"Aisha! Aisha!" The voice got louder and louder. She knew it was her mother calling her.

"Okay babes, I'll call you back. Just give me a few seconds to talk to my mum." Aisha cut the call and looked at herself in the mirror. She took a deep breath and exhaled and quickly wiped her face and put on a smile.

"I'm coming, mama!" She headed for the door, opened it and gave her best smile. Her mother had a worried look on her face as she thought she had heard Aisha screaming.

"Aisha, I heard you screaming. What happened?" She asked.

"Ah mama, nothing.  I was talking to my friends and they said something that made me laugh." Her mother stood in the doorway and folded her arms, while Aisha kept staring at her.  "Mmm, mama are just going to stand there and not come into my room?"

"No, I have a lot of things to do."
"Aha mama, always busy. You know we don't spend much  time together like we used to?" Aisha asked.

"That is because I and your father are working so hard to provide you with a roof over your head."

"I know mama and I think you are doing a very good job at providing for me." Her mother looked surprised by this comment.

"If you say so." She said, laughing. Then she stopped laughing and became serious. "Actually I think I would like to come in." Aisha tossed a thorough glance at her mother wondering why her mother had suddenly changed her mind.

"Oh, yes come in mama." Her mother entered the room and sat down by the bed. "So mama what is it you wanted to talk to me about?"

"The housemaid said she saw you running out of your room naked. I didn't want to believe her. But I knew she wouldn't have made something like that up."

"Well actually, I got nervous because I was looking for something and..."

"And you had to run out naked?"
"Ah no mama! How can I do such a thing?"
"Okay but you know that if you have any problem you can always call on me or your father?"
"Daddy is always working. I hardly see him." She sighed.
"But do you take the time to go and see him or even ask after him? Is he not the one providing all this comfort you are enjoying?"
"Ah mama it is as if I don't know that he's my father."
"Fine, so when you don't see him in the house sometimes, give him a phone call just to say hi. How hard is that, Aisha?"

"Okay I've heard you mama but I have to go and see my friends. We will be at Club96." Her mother got up and sighed.

"How are the clubs doing?" She asked.
"I was at C-Section earlier. Now I'm going to  Club96."

"And C-Section? How is it?" Her mother gave her an unusual look that made Aisha feel uncomfortable.

"Ehm,  it was good, yesterday's pay has been transferred to the usual account. So everything's fine." Aisha smiled at her mother but her mother didn't smile back.

"Anything else you would like me to know?" She said.
"About what, mama?"
"I was told someone tried to bully you." Aisha lost her smile wondering what her mother had heard.

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