Chapter 14

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"Hello, Razaq, she's drunk. I'm not sure what she's up to. But she gave orders not to allow me in." Jacob was filled with fear as to what action Aisha could take. He knew from experience that all it could take someone to commit a crime was a valid motive. Jacob reasoned that Aisha was single not by her own wish. 

She had been denied the right to be with the man that she loved. Jacob saw this as motivation enough for Aisha to decide to do the unthinkable. He thought this about her because he knew sooner or later, her mood change could induce her to take an impromptu decision.

"Listen it's important I see her, please." He pleaded with the bodyguards. But they ignored him. Then Razaq called.

"Okay listen Jacob, I sent her a text message using an app. I made it look like you sent it to her." Razaq quickly forwarded the message to Jacob.

I'm on my knees with some flowers. I'm sorry if I hurt you, but I love you.

Jacob read the message and laughed. He had to call Razaq back. He moved away from the two bodyguards to make the call.

"Razaq where did you get this idea from?"
"Oh with women you just have to be creative."
"And the flowers?" He asked, laughing.

Jacob turned around in time to see the entrance door of the pub open. Aisha had come out walking unsteadily. Jacob cut the call and walked up to her and quickly embraced her.

"JC you didn't have to lie to me just because you wanted to see me." She said. Jacob looked into her sullen eyes.

"So who is he, Aisha? Who is taking my woman away from me?" Aisha wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her head against him and slowly closed her eyes.

"Who are you talking about JC?"
"You blocked me from coming in. Is it because of him?" Aisha took a deep breath and burped.

"JC do you even know what you are talking about? See you? You don't even respect me. Can you imagine? Do you think I am so, so cheap to allow any guy get into my pants?"

"Well you are not a virgin anymore."
"JC, you wanted to see me. I am here, now."
"Yes but you haven't answered my question, Aisha."
'Mmm, and what was your question, again? I'm not like my mother, JC? I forget things."

"Who is he?" Aisha yawned as she held him. Jacob was trying his best to get her to talk about her ex-boyfriend, Franklin Bolanle.
"JC, you are my present. The past not..." She yawned again. "I can close my eyes JC, and sleep off while holding you like this."

"Then I suggest you go back inside." Aisha laughed as she looked at him with eyes almost closing.

"Come with me then, JC." Jacob didn't want to go inside the pub. But he couldn't leave without a confession from Aisha, as to what happened to Franklin.

" I ehm, I think my presence will not be needed if he's in there." Aisha breathed in and exhaled all while looking into his eyes.

"He? He? And who is, he?"
"Maybe some secret lover, an ex?" Aisha closed her eyes.
"Mmm ex boyfriends, ex lovers." Aisha laughed. "JC all my exes, belong to the past, forgotten."
"Some exes are hard to forget, Aisha."
"Maybe when you become my ex one day, it will be hard to forget you."

"And your ex before me?" Jacob searched her eyes as it moved from left to right. He quickly gave her a reassuring kiss that made her smile.

"Mmm JC you seem to have an obsession for all my exes, today."
"I want to be sure that some guy from your past, will not come and claim you back." Aisha laughed

"You've changed o, JC. So you care about me now because you fear competition?"

"Exes still have power you know? Especially if you loved them a lot." Aisha sighed and moved away from him but moved unsteadily. Jacob held her hand and led her to the door.

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