Chapter Six

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The Library


I looked up to see who it was and to my surprise it was Zeiden.

"Is this seat taken?" Zeiden asked.

"No it is not." I said.

"Thanks." He said as he sat down across from me and put his motorcycle helmet on the other chair next to him.

"You ride an motorcycle?" I asked.

"Yeah and you ask a lot of questions." He said.

I don't at all but okay......

I rolled my eyes at him and kept reading my book.

"What are you reading?" Zeiden questioned as he tried to take a peek on what are I am doing.

"It is really none of your business actually." I said.

He nodded and then snatched my book away from me.

"Give me  my book back." I said.

"Never seen you as the type to read thriller books I like that." 

"You like thriller books?"

"Yeah but it depends on the mood."


"You know the game last night against Utah was really good even though we lost but you were great out there."

Yeah and also when are you  going to be playing?"

"Next week I hope but I am a quick learner."

I bet you really are though......

"What made you transfer to UCLA when Clemson is honestly better?"

"Just needed a new beginning in my life." He said in a cold tone.

It seems like he doesn't want to talk about it because there is more to the story but I am not going to ask him about it unless he wants to.

"You know you can show me around California and I mean I seen some parts of it and not a lot ever since I got here."

He kept looking at me in the eyes every time we talk and I don't know why it is making me so fucking nervous.

"Yeah I can show you around Zeiden."

"Alright that is cool." He said with a smile and I could feel the butterflies in my stomach.

A/N:Y'all this ain't a slow burn but it ain't going to be a  fast paced relationship, just going to be balanced that's all....

"I got to ask have you been to New York before?" I asked.

He looked at me with a confused look on his face and then thought about it.

"Not that I know of but why?"

"Just wondering because I feel  I have seen you somewhere before."

"Interesting but all I know we bumped into each other at the bowling alley."

"So other than that do you remember anything else?"

"Sorry I don't okay."


He got up and walked towards to me then leans to my ear to whisper something.

"Just so you know that night in New York and the way you were screaming my name was so fucking hot and the sexual tension we had was something I want to do again but you know I rather know you better." He said and I could feel him smirking behind me .

He went back to his seat and acted like nothing happened.

"So Zeiden that is such unique name." I said.

"Yeah my adopted parents gave me that name when I was a baby." Zeiden said.

"You are adopted?" I asked.

"Yeah my biological parents were young when they had me and didn't even want a child so they left me on the church's doorstep and then boom I was adopted by black people who are really nice by the way." He said.

"So how did you learn Spanish?" I asked.

"Friends, got taught by my adopted parents and this guy who I work with at the mechanic shop but I called him my uncle because he reminds me of one but I am not really that much fluent in it since I have a strong accent and some people says it sound bad when I speak it." He said.

"Okay but when you spoke like few days ago, it sound good."

"Thanks but I am trying though."

"Yeah and anyway what does Zeiden means?"

"It means a lot of things like Angel, God and Divinity."

"That's a lot of good meanings."

"Yeah and anyway tell me about yourself like what do you like to-"

Zeiden was interrupted by an familiar voice and he rolled his eyes at Adrian when he walked towards us.

"Justin what are you doing with him?" Adrian asked.

I was about to say something but Zeiden cut me to it.

"Damn are you his boyfriend or something because he doesn't have to tell you shit." Zeiden said.

"I wasn't talking to you." Adrian said.

"What do you want Adrian?" I asked.

"We were supposed to work on our project but I see you talking to him." Adrian stated.

"I don't know why you hate me when I never done anything to you and also I don't even know you other than that you are my teammate." Zeiden said.

"There is a reason."

"Oh and what is the reason because please tell me."

Adrian didn't say anything and Zeiden laughed while getting up from his seat then grabbing his stuffs.

"That what I thought and anyway I gotta go so talk to you later Justin." Zeiden said before leaving the library.

I don't even have his phone number but whatever.

"What is your problem man?" I asked.

"He is bad news alright just know that."


"I just know."

"Okay then."

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