Chapter Twenty Six

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February 25th, 2015

"Are you doing anything on spring break?" Zeiden asked.

My cousins and I had planned a trip in March, but we had to cancel it due to scheduling conflicts.

"Not really why?" I asked.

"My parents want to meet you." Zeiden said.

"They know about me?" I questions.

"Yeah, they kept wondering who was making me smile when I was on my phone. My mom caught a glimpse of you when we were Facetiming," he said.

"I would love to meet your parents and visit South Carolina since I never been there."

"South Carolina can be boring sometimes but there are some cool stuffs and artifacts that I can show you."


"Don't worry Justin my whole family is very supportive and I know they will like you."

"You think?"

"Yeah babe I know they will."

I smiled. "So you see your adopted parents as your real parents?"

"Yeah I do and besides I would never want to meet my biological parents because why I do that when they literally left on the church's doorstep and didn't even want me at all."

"Do you think they have kids and-"

He laughed and scoffed. "If they have kids after giving me away then I wish nothing but bad karma to them."

"Not to the kids but to the parents." He continued as well.

He looks like he want to punch a wall so I hold his hand and caresses it even though we are in public but I don't care if anyone I know see me.

Zeiden took a deep breath and then looked at me before smiling.

"You know Justin I feel like you are the best person for me." Zeiden said before kissing me on the cheeks.

"I think that as well Zeiden." I says.

8:12 pm

"Imagine rehabbing a injury that you suffer in August and was cheering for your team that was in the playoffs in the October which they won then boom few days you found you getting to the Miami Marlins." Sammy said while taking a bite of a chocolate cake.

"I thought you said you didn't want to stay in California for the rest of your life?" I asked.

"Yeah I did say that and I changed my mind about it but it is what is." He said.

"Wait can you reject a trade?"

"I could if I had a no trade clause on my contract but now I do with the Marlins."

"To be honest there is nothing wrong with a new scenery."

"Yeah that is true Justin and I got nothing against Florida but damn the weather there is just something.

I chuckled. "So when are you moving there?"

"Somewhere around August even though I won't play until late 2015 or early 2016."

"Damn but good luck on your journey and also thanks for inviting me to do wedding cake testing with you for your wedding."

Sammy chuckled. "Actually we did that last week already and I just wanted to eat something sweet because I have a sweet tooth."

"Okay so what cake you guys are having at your wedding?"

"Red velvet."

"Since when do you like red velvet?"

"I always have like it is my second favorite." He said.

"Do you think for someone that been with a person for five years and then have a wedding after couple months of proposing to her is fast?"

Sammy shakes his head no. "Not really I love Erika and she loves me so it doesn't matter how many months it would take us to get married."

"Yeah I seen the way y'all love each other."

"Come on Justin one day you will find someone that you might love forever."

I chuckled nervously. "Yeah I hope so."

Yeah I know found someone but I can't tell him that yet because you know I kinda still scared of coming out to the rest of my family other than Cole and Gabriella who already know about my secret.

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