Chapter Thirty Seven

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I woke up from a loud knock coming from the front door and was wondering if Zeiden had company coming over but it was like five in the morning so who could it be?

"Hey open the door for me!" Zeiden yelled from his bedroom.

I got up from the couch and stretched my arms including my back as well before walking to the door.

"Damn I am coming, just be patient." I said when I heard another loud knock.

I opened the door and was confused when I saw my uncle standing in front of me.

"What are you doing here and also how did you know where I was?" I asked.

"I got my ways so don't ask but anyway we need to talk." Uncle Julio said.

I didn't say anything because I knew what he was going to say so I let him talk.

"I had this friend  in college who was bisexual and he couldn't tell his parents because they were very homophobic so he hid it for years until one day they caught him with a guy in his bed at their house." Uncle Julio said.

"What happened?" I asked.

"His parents kicked him out and disowned him so he was living with me until he find his own place to live but...." He trailed off.

"I was out for the day and the day was pretty fucking much normal like I thought nothing bad could happen but I was wrong." He said.

Did his friend killed himself?

"When I came back, the apartment was too fucking quiet because he always blast loud  music every day which I didn't mind but it wasn't on that day so I called out his name and looked everywhere until I saw his dead body in the bathtub." 

I didn't say anything but was in shock and uncle Julio continued to talk.

"He had drugs and alcohol in his system but he shot himself."

"What was his name?" I asks.

"His name was Keaton Perez and the crazy  funny part is that when his parents went to his funeral to pretend like they didn't disown him and his older sister was the worst of all."

"Wait what does all of this have to do with-"

"Keaton's sister is the mom of your boyfriend."


"How did you know that?" I asked.

"Back in college, Keaton told me that his sister didn't want a child because it was a mistake so she put a baby up for adoption and when I saw the leaked picture, he looks a little bit familiar because he looked like Keaton's sister."

Uncle Julio does a lot of research doesn't he?

"Are you sure that you are a software engineer?" I questioned.

He chuckled. "Of course I am."

"Okay so what happened to his sister?"

"Got hit by a train and died from her injuries last year." Uncle Julio said casually.

"I have a lot of questions about that."

"She was drunk."

The fact that he is saying all of that so casually and it is crazy.

"Oh." I says.

"But anyway I don't give a shit about who you are okay and yes your secret got revealed but you can't let that stop you and you gonna eventually have to face everyone." Uncle Julio said.

"So what do you want me to do because I know my dad is not going to talk to me at all." I spoke.

"What about your mom?" He questions.

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