Chapter Twenty Eight

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8:10 pm

"Hey, so I need to warn you about something." Zeiden said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"My fourteen-year-old stalked your social media and probably did a lot of research because she wanted to see if you were the right person for me or not a serial killer so if she asks you questions about your personal life don't answer it." Zeiden stated.

Wow, that is crazy and creepy. Also, it reminds me that I should keep my account private like all of them except facebook which I don't have and don't use at all.

"Most of the pictures on my Instagram are either, soccer, random stuff or my cousins so what was she trying to find on there?"

Zeiden shrug. "An ex or a secret lover."

I snickered.  "Like I will keep any pictures of an ex on my account."

"I know right."


Dinner with Zeiden's family went great and they were funny minus all of the questions his siblings were giving me.

I found out that he has four siblings and two of them were adopted but the other two kids were miracle babies because Zeiden's parents had a hard time trying to conceive babies.

Even though they have two biological kids, but they still love their adopted kids as their own.

"Justin, how many siblings do you have?" Carly, one of Zeiden's sisters asked.

"Two." I said.

"Carly stop bothering our guest with all of these questions," Janet said as she set down a plate of banana pudding in front of me and I thanked her.

Janet is Zeiden's mom's name and she told me to call her that.

"So what is your intentions with my son?" Kyle who is Zeiden's dad questioned.

I took a bite of my banana pudding and swallowed it before speaking. " I really like your son and we have a lot of chemistry with each other but mostly I just want to make him happy."

I could see Zeiden blushing but he hid it quickly as he continued to eat his banana pudding.

"That is all I want to know since Zeiden acts like he is in love which he is though." His father spoke.

I chuckled as Zeiden scolded his dad while rolling his eyes.


Later that night, me and Zeiden went on a walk  around his neighborhood.

"It was really nice meeting your family." I said.

"Yeah it is great to see how fast they like you." Zeiden says.

I chuckled. "Yeah." I looked up at the sky and it was really dark outside but the stars were really bright.

The cold wind brushed past me and I felt chills. "Can I ask you something Zeiden?" I asked.

"Sure what is it?" He replied.

"Do you believe in fate?" I wondered.

He took a deep breath and looked at me. "Yeah I do believe in fate, how about you?"

"I believe it as well." I says.

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