Chapter Ten

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October 10th, 2014

"Practice get on my nerves so much." Adrian says.

I chuckled. "Yeah it really does."

Zeiden walked into the locker room with a towel wrapped around his waist and his hair was wet same with his body.

I could see him putting his shirt on and honestly wished that he didn't had a shirt on because I rather see him shirtless.

What the fuck I am thinking about?

"Hey Justin are you listening to me?" Adrian asked, making me snapped out of my thoughts.

"Um yeah I was." I said.

"So that means you are in?" Adrian questioned.

What is he talking about?

"In for what?" I asked.

Adrian rolled his eyes at me. "There is a frat party going on tonight, do you want to come?"

"I am not in the mood for parties right now but maybe next time." I spoke.

"Okay sure maybe next time."

He sounds disappointed that I didn't want to come but let it go.

His face turned into a scowl and I was confused before turning around seeing Zeiden behind me.

"Wipe that ugly scowl on your face because it is not a good look on you." Zeiden said.

"What the fuck do you want?" Adrian asked.

"Coach wants to talk to you." Zeiden said.

"About what?" Adrian questioned.

Zeiden shrugged his shoulders and rolled his eyes. "I don't fucking know and all he just said is tell Adrian that I need to talk to him."

"Okay fine."

Adrian left the locker room and Zeiden chuckled.

"Did Coach really needs to talk to him?" I asked.

"Nah he doesn't but I only used that as an excuse because I saw you looking uncomfortable while talking to him."He said.

I was? Damn I didn't know I was looking uncomfortable......

"Well thanks for that I guess." I said.

"No problem but anyway are you free today?"

"No but I wish I was why?"

"I had this two tickets to an concert but all of my friends are busy so I am just wondering."

"Damn I wish I could go but I got things to do."

"I get it but maybe next time."

"Yeah maybe...."

I don't know why I lied to him but there was a good reason for it which I fucking hate honestly.......

6:22 pm

"Zeiden is nothing but a lying asshole." Adrian said.

"So coach didn't need to talk to you at all?" I asked, acting clueless

"No he didn't but guess what I am not captain anymore why because someone who's name start with Z is now the fucking captain." He complained.

"That is so fucking crazy." I said.

"I know right and besides he been with this team for an month and now he has everybody's approval which is just fucking stupid."

"Did coach had an good reason why?"

"I left his office in anger before he could say anything else."

He kept talking so I looked back on my phone and decided to text someone.

Me:Hey if you haven't find someone to go to that concert with, I wouldn't mind going.

Zeiden:You changed your mind?


"Who are you texting?" Adrian asks.

I was going to say something but decided to ignored him and an text popped up on my screen.

Zeiden:Great can't wait to see you tonight :)

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