Chapter Eight

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Unknown number: Hey.

I woke up in the middle of the night to hear my phone buzzing I wished I turned it on silence but didn't so I grabbed it and saw that there is a text message from a unknown number.

Me: Who is this?

Unknown number: it is Zeiden.

Me: It is like two in the morning why are you texting me?

Zeiden: Couldn't sleep.

Me: So what do you want me to do about it?

Zeiden: Wish I knew but anyway come over to my apartment tomorrow.

Me: Why?

Zeiden: I just want to see you that's all.

Me:If I don't have classes in the afternoon tomorrow then sure.

Zeiden: I will text you the address.

5:12 pm

"Alright class remember on Thursday we are going to have a test on microorganisms."

After the professor said that, everybody left the class and I went to straight to the library since that was my last class so I had time to finish my  works.

There was no soccer practice today because Coach canceled since he had an family emergency and he had to be there.

"Got any plans later tonight?" Adrian asked.

If I said that I was going to hang out with Zeiden he will be pissed but the thing is I don't really what he thinks and besides for someone that is my friend he kinda act really jealous and controllable for no reason.

"Just going to hang out with my cousins that's all." I said.

Actually that is the truth but the thing is that it going to happen tomorrow not today.

"Okay and um if Zeiden ever texts you, please promise you won't text him back?"

I chuckled. "Why?"

"I don't want you to and-"

I cuts him off.

"Adrian I don't know what your problem is with him but it is getting way too annoying and the fact you can't even tell me why you hate him is so damn fucking crazy...All you need to do is that I don't give a shit and stop acting like you want to control everything I do." I said.

He didn't say anything but grabbed his stuffs then got up and left the library.

He wasn't like this until Zeiden came so I don't know what happened between them even though Zeiden looks like he doesn't know who he is.

But honestly I feel like I should end my friendship with Adrian because he is getting on my fucking nerves.

After being in the library for like almost an hour, I went to straight to Zeiden's apartment building and honestly it looks familiar to me because it feel like I know someone else also live in this building.

But I can't be sure though since all of the people that  I know either lives in San Francisco, Malibu or any cities in California.

Wouldn't be surprised if Gabriella lives here because she did say that she was planning to move somewhere closer to her job and she did used to live in San Diego.

"Nice place." I said.

"Thanks and it was really hard to find an good apartment but this one was calling my name." Zeiden says.

"That's cool."

He was wearing an grey sweatpants with no shirt on and damn he does workout.

"My eyes up here Justin." He said between chuckles.

"I wasn't staring at you."

"Yeah of course you wasn't but anyway are you thirsty like water you know what I mean?"

"Yeah you really have an dirty mind."

"I don't and I am simply just asking you if you want water or something to drink."

"Yeah sure but anyway I wouldn't mind an soda."

"Okay what soda do you want?"

"Orange soda."

"Ah that is my favorite too and I see you got some good taste other than that." He said as he opened his fridge to grab two orange sodas and then threw one at me which I caught.

"What do you mean about that?"

"Never mind you don't need to know but what is your major?"


"Sheesh I feel bad for you."

"Yeah it is stressful but what about you?"

"Sport Medicine."

"That's cool but a lot of work."

"Yeah I know but it is great to have a second choice in career if I don't want to play soccer professionally even though I could have done that when I was seventeen but chose the college path."

"Do you regret doing that?"

"Nah I don't really regret it at all because I am happy with my choice."

10:28 pm

"I will see you tomorrow." I said.

"Yeah see you tomorrow and Justin?" Zeiden asked.

"Yeah?" I questioned.

"It is great hanging out with you." He said with a smile on his face.

"Yeah same." I said

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