Chapter Twenty Seven

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Columbia, South Carolina

March 18th, 2015

I have spent the last three days in South Carolina, which was enjoyable. Today is the day I get to meet my boyfriend's family.

"I know you are nervous but trust me they will like you." Zeiden says.

I chuckled nervously and licked my lips. "I am not nervous."

"If you say so." He said before pressing the doorbell.

Upon opening the door, we were greeted by an African American woman who smiled at us.

"Hey Mom." Zeiden said, before embracing her in a hug.

"Hi honey and you must be Justin?" She asks.

"Yes ma'am and it is nice to meet you." I said.

She embraced me tightly and I reciprocated. "It's lovely to meet the person making my son happy, and just so you know, we're a family of huggers."

Yeah, I just noticed that.....


"This picture of you in the bathtub as a toddler is so funny." I said while laughing.

Zeiden rolled his eyes. " Haha very funny and we are done looking at my childhood pictures."

"So Justin what do you major in?" Zeiden's mom asks.

"I am a biology major but I am planning to play soccer professionally." I says.

Well, I don't know yet since I haven't made a decision and some teams that want to sign me are  still waiting for a answer.

"That's good and what does your parents do for a living?"

I took a bite of a oatmeal cookie before saying something. "My mom is a makeup artist and my dad is a businessman."

"Hey mom where is dad and the others?" Zeiden asked.

"Oh they went out but they will be back in an hour." She said.

"Okay." Zeiden said.

"Zeiden can you please check on the food while me and Justin talk alone in private."

Zeiden looked like he wanted to say something but didn't want to make his mom think that he is talking back to her.

He whispered in my ear before leaving and I laughed at what he said.

"Does your parents know?" Zeiden's mom questioned.

"Not yet because I am afraid of what they are going to say." I spoke.

"Are they homophobic?"

I shakes my head no. "They are catholic but they are not homophobic."

"I remembered the day Zeiden came out to us, he was nervous and scared that we wouldn't accept him because of our Catholic faith but we accepted him and love him no matter what he is." She says.

"So do you think my family would do the same?"

"Well I don't know what they do but all I know if they don't accept you then you have me and the rest of Zeiden's family supporting you."

"Just remember Justin, family isn't always blood."

I sighed deeply. "I know."

"Do you love my son even though he is not my biological son but do you love him?" Zeiden's mom questioned.

"Yeah I really love him and I want to be with him for the rest of my life." I said.

She smiled at me. "That is what I like  to hear from you.

A/N:Part 2 coming tomorrow

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