Chapter Twenty Four

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A/N:Honestly can see myself finish writing this book in January.....

February 18th, 2015

Have you ever go on dates for months but still don't know what you are.

Well that is happening with me and Zeiden even though I am still hiding the fact that I am bisexual from everyone that I know but I want to make it official with him.

Right now, he is at my house with his arm around me on the couch while watching a comedy show.

There was no one home which I was happy even though I feel like someone might knows and then I get questioned about it.

Mom and Dad are at work, Paulo is at a school field trip and Jonathan moved out last month but sometimes still comes here.

If you are asking when I am move out of my parent's home since I am twenty-three then just know that will happen once I graduate in the spring because I want to get everything over with than stressing myself.

"What is your mind right now?" Zeiden asked.

"Huh?" I questions.

"You been spending the past few minutes thinking about whatever is in your head." Zeiden said.

"Just thinking about stuffs that's all."

"Like what?"

I want to tell him I can't.........

"No what never mind let's just finish watching the Office."

"Okay and Justin do you want to be my boyfriend?"

Wow that caught me out of nowhere.

"Yeah I want to be your boyfriend." I said with a smile.

"I am glad you said yes because I couldn't find the right time or the right place to say it even though now was better." He said.

"I guess it was but you don't mind keeping this private before I tell my family that I am bisexual?" I wondered.

"I don't mind and besides I will always be with you no matter what if they disown you because your sexuality."

I smiled and then kissed him which he did back.

I don't know how long we were making out but could sense that someone came home early and saw what we were doing.......


"Hey Justin." Adrian said as he sat across front of me in the library.

"Hey what's up." I spoke.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Just reading a book for a class project that is due in May."

"Can't wait to graduate this year man."

I chuckled. "Same and anyway no offense but do you need something?"

"I know we haven't hang out that much but was wondering if you want to go to a concert with me on Saturday?"

"I wish I could but I have a lot of things to do."

"Okay I get it but if you changed your mind let me know."

"Yeah sure maybe and Adrian are you jealous?"

He scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Jealous of what exactly?"

I don't know why every time I am around Adrian, it feels so weird and bitter even though it wasn't like this when Zeiden came.

"You know who."

"I am not jealous of him Justin and if I was then I probably would have done something." He said.

"Like what?" I asked in a confused tone.

"I gotta go but see you later." He said before leaving the library.

Man ,Adrian is one weird and suspicious guy like what the fuck did he mean by that?

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