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What started out as a slight cough and a runny nose, now consumed your every waking moment in the form of a head-cold. The worse you get, the more your friends and comrades worry for your health.

But you're fine, right?

Your stubbornness to be seen by a medic doesn't go unnoticed by your Captain, who takes matters into his own hands.
SFW, Sick!Reader, Lieutenant!Reader

The moment you woke up feeling nauseous, you knew today was gonna be a great day.

Rolling out of your bed with a stuffy groan, you shuffled over to your private bathroom and took a look at yourself in the mirror. Crusty eyes looked back at you from your reflection, and a red nose drew attention to the color in your face, making you look fevered. Placing a hand on your forehead, you could nearly confirm this was the case.

Mumbling incoherently to yourself, you tried your best to clean yourself up before you had to make an appearance for the day. Before leaving your dorm room, you'd gone through at least ten tissues and wiped your face with a damp wash cloth nearly just as many times. With your hair pulled up neatly away from your face and your clothes adjusted properly on your frame, you put on your best 'I'm fine' face and strode out into the hall.

Steadying yourself on your feet, you slowly made your way down to breakfast with the others in your regiment, gliding your hand along the wall to keep your ever wobbling balance.

Shit...Light headed, dizzy, nauseous, runny nose...what's next, a headache?

You entered the hall and found your way to the kitchens to grab a bowl of what appeared to be soup.

Thank god, maybe this'll help my poor throat...

You scanned the room over with tired eyes and spotted your fellow superiors sat around their usual table. Stifling a yawn, you trudged over and plopped down near Hange and Nanaba.

"Lieutenant Y/N," Commander Erwin greeted you formally from across the table.

"Mornin' C'mander," you replied back in a stuffy tone, rubbing slightly at your nose.

The conversation happening around you paused, but you were too busy suffering to notice until a hand placed itself on your shoulder. Looking over, you spotted Hange giving you a confused look.

"Y/N, dear...Is everything alright?" they asked.

"Yeah, why?" you asked with a raised brow.

"Y/N, you look sick. Are you sure you're alright?" Nanaba pestered from your other side.

"Sick? Ehh...maybe. Nothin' I cant handle doe." You sniffled, your throat feeling worse from trying to talk in a volume they'd be able to hear you in.

"Maybe you should go to the infirmary...You shouldn't attend to duties today if you're ill. You'll just make yourself worse and possibly spread it to someone else!" Hange's assistant, Moblit, spoke up from the other side of the scientist.

"Nah, I've had a lot worse, so therefor I can't complain. This won't kill me." you argued stubbornly, taking a sip of your soup to hopefully help with the aching pain there.

"You're sick. I smell it on you."

You looked up to see Mike joining your table, a bowl of soup in his big hands as he sat down across from Nanaba.

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