(8) P.O.V

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A year later...

6:28 pm

I search through my drawer looking for an outfit. I sigh, coming across another plain t-shirt and shorts. It's either that or the outfit is too extravagant to make a run to the store. I'm slowly coming to the conclusion that i'll have to start bringing more clothes to Jeremiah's house but I don't want to over step. He already insisted on me taking two of his drawers and a part in his closet. It's gotten to the point where i'm here more than my own home.

I don't know how to feel about that.

I'm all in love and stuff.

Hearing his footsteps coming down the hall, he stands in the doorway. His arms crossed as he watches me scan the room for some clothes. "Can I steal one of your hoodies please? I need something to go with these leggings"

Jeremiah smirks, coming over to me with his arms out. He wraps his arms around my waist, rocking me side to side. "You know I don't care", he mumbles against my neck. "You wouldn't have all these issues about looking for clothes if you just...", he trails off and I playfully roll my eyes at him.

"Move-in. I know, I know. You don't think it's too soon? Like you might get tired of me", I pout and he bursts into laughter.

"We see each other damn near everyday. I'm too the point where I can't sleep without you no more. I'm not tired of you and I don't think that's possible", he shrugs his shoulder like its not that big of a deal. Sometimes I envied how calm he is about everything. Meanwhile, I overthink every decision in life, simple things like what I want to eat.

"Well i'll stress about that later today is your birthday so it's all about you", a smiles comes on my face as he tries not to blush. I have a bunch of errands to run. The amount of orders I have to pick up to contribute to his birthday gifts are insane. I just want to celebrate him the same way he goes out his way to do the same for me. "Thank baby, I don't like that you spending most of the day away from me though", he pulls me in for another hug as I move us to the bathroom so I can get ready.

"You're spending it with your boys and I have you all to myself later".

I texted all his friends a couple of days ago, to make a bunch of plans with him. That would give me time to set things up for my surprise later.

Jeremiah hasn't been in the best mood lately. He's been overwhelmed with work and its been taking a tole on his mental health. Despite his issues, he's never treated me any different or used it as an excuse to lack an any department. "Imma miss you. Be safe, please! I love you, happy birthday love"

      "I love you too, I miss you already. Text me when you make it to where you gotta be", he replies, kissing my forehead.


          "Damn this shit is heavy", Kaila complains as she carries the giant card to the end of the hall. I open the door with a three bags in my hands, all of them full of gifts. I struggle to hold the door open as she takes her precious time coming inside. "Bitch this is niceeee", she drags out as she sits the card in the open corner next to the gold letters that spell out his name. Balloons behind them that have the numbers twenty-four on it.

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