(5) The List

170 7 3

Amaya Anderson


6:30 pm

    Ariana and I sit in the dining hall. I have a full plate of salad since that's the only thing that looked edible in there. My friend on the other hand made an attempt to try the vegan options that they're serving but that didn't look too appetizing either. "I feel like I haven't seen you in forever", Ariana pouts as she takes another forkful of tofu. "Why is that?"

    I shrug, "You know all I do is sleep"

   Out the both of us, she feels the need to be outside every weekend. Sometimes she couldn't even wait until the weekend. That's just not my lifestyle. "I promise we'll hangout this weekend to make up for it", I say hoping she'll stop pouting.

  "Thank you, I need my quality time", she smiles at me and I nod in agreement. "I don't blame you, it's a lot to catch you up on", I inform her and she raises an eyebrow.

    She wasn't aware about anything that went down between Lucas and I. I'm still debating whether or not I should disclose that information. I'm still processing what happened four days later, pathetic I know.

"Same. You won't believe who dmed me the other day", she goes onto rant and my eyes look behind her. A couple of tables over, I see Lucas staring a whole in my face. Once we make eye-contact he smiles before turning his attention back to his friends. It hasn't been awkward between us. Neither of us has really brought up what happened the other night either. "Okay what's going on? It's like you're not even paying attention", she stops mid rant. She wasn't lying, I had no idea what she was going on about but I'm sure it's new love interest somewhere in this story.

"Sorry, it's just really noisy in here", I lie but technically it was believable. Being in the cafe is noisy for no reason. It's like ten times louder, even though everyone looks to be having normal volume conversations. "Okay start again", I instruct as we go to throw our trash away. Afterwards we leave to walk back to her dorm room. I get cozy on the bed as she lays next to me, telling me about her love life. My mind goes to thinking about the moment between Lucas and I again.

The amount of flashbacks I've had about him is shameful.

All I've had from him is head and here I am constantly thinking about him. It was deeper than that though. The whole night was such a vibe. It was authentic.

"I've never seen her", I tell her as Ariana shows me a picture of the stud she's currently entertaining. "She goes here?"

"Hmm, she's a commuter though"

I nod, "That explains it. I never see them, it's like new students but whole time they've been here since freshmen year", I laugh cause I've had that realization several times. It didn't help that I don't really socialize like that either so some people I'm genuinely clueless about. This campus is pretty big so it's hard to keep with everyone. There's no way you're keeping up with over a thousand students, that's a different level of nosey.

Her phone pings. I watch that grin appear on her face. "Let's go to the club tonight. Girls get in free until eleven", she says as if it's nothing.

"Neither of us have never been to the club", I remind her. Ariana shrugs her shoulders and rushes to her closet to pick out an outfit. "So? I've been stacking up on club outfits for this moment! You would look amazing in pink", she goes to pull out shoes and a purse to match.

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