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As the chefs diligently worked on the dinner preparations, the members decided to make the best use of their free time. Each one headed back to their rooms, eager to freshen up and relax after a leisurely day. They knew that a rejuvenating shower was in order before they could reconvene for their much-anticipated dinner.

In their separate rooms, they indulged in the simple pleasure of a warm, refreshing shower. The sound of water cascading from the showerheads and the soothing steam that filled the air created a tranquil atmosphere.

Each member took their time, enjoying the solitude and peace that the private bathroom offered. The warm water rejuvenated their bodies and cleared their minds, preparing them for the evening's festivities.

With renewed spirits and dressed in fresh attire, they were ready to reconvene for a fantastic dinner, appreciating the comfort of their private spaces before coming together as a lively and vibrant group....


Yn and Mingyu found moments to steal away, to immerse themselves in each other. Their room, with its dim lighting and plush decor, had transformed into a sanctuary of their love.

As they entered the bathroom together, the soft hum of the shower awaited them. Mingyu carefully adjusted the water temperature, ensuring it was just right. He glanced at Yn, her eyes sparkling with anticipation, and a gentle smile curled on his lips.

Hand in hand, they stepped under the cascading water. It was warm and soothing, just like their love. Yn couldn't help but let out a contented sigh as the water fell over her, relaxing every muscle and washing away the stresses ...

Mingyu was just as appreciative of this intimate time. He took a gentle step closer, the rivulets of water running down his well-defined chest and back. Yn watched him, her heart swelling with love and desire for this man who had become her protector, her confidant, and her lover.

Their hands moved together, exploring familiar curves and angles, but this time, the touches felt different. They were filled with a longing that went beyond the physical. It was a connection, a reaffirmation of their love and care.

Yn reached for the body wash, and with a soft smile, she began to lather it between her hands. She gently began to cleanse Mingyu's back, her touch conveying her affection and appreciation. The intimacy of this moment was profound, and they cherished it.

Mingyu turned around, his eyes locking with Yn's, and he took the body wash from her hands. He mirrored her actions, his touch tender and affectionate. The bathroom was filled with the soft murmurs of their shared affection.

As they washed away the cares of the day, they found solace in the simple act of being together. With the water embracing them and their hearts intertwined, cherishing these moments of serenity amid the chaos of their world. The shower wasn't just about cleansing their bodies; it was about renewing their spirits, reaffirming their love, and setting their hearts aglow for the evening ahead. And as they emerged from the bathroom, refreshed and connected, their smiles spoke of a love that only grew stronger ...

After their tranquil and loving shower, Mingyu and Yn found themselves wrapped in plush, oversized bathrobes, the soft fabric a gentle embrace against their slightly damp skin. The room was filled with a soft, inviting ambiance, dimly lit and casting a warm, cozy glow.

Mingyu led Yn to the heart of the room, where a large, comfortable bed awaited them. Its covers were turned down, inviting them to sink into its embrace. The room felt like a haven, isolated from the outside world and the turbulent life they led.

As they stood by the bed, Yn's eyes met Mingyu's, and the depth of their love seemed to ignite the air around them. It was a moment of shared understanding, a silent conversation in which no words were needed to convey their emotions.

I Don't Understand But I Luv U - Kim Mingyu FF 💎Where stories live. Discover now