PART TEN | Marry

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Part Playlist:
Talking to the Moon - Bruno Mars
You Found Me - The Fray
My Immortal - Evanescence


I decided not to say anything to Nik on the drive home. So it was a very long drive home, at least there wasn't any road works.

But when we got home anyway, father hadn't prepared anything for dinner and was in his office. Nik cooked and we sat down and ate it alone.

He cleared the table and I took the chance to go and knock on fathers office.

He grumbled and I think that meant to come in, see I let myself in. He was on the desk and reading something on his computer. "Katarina. What do you want?" He snapped, barely giving me a glance.

"I actually had something to ask you, father." I said, as kind as I could to him. He didn't seem in the worst mood, he hadn't kicked me out yet or anything.

"What?" He replied, looking up at me.

I cleared my throat. "You know that apartment above the studio. I'm obviously really happy here, but I was wondering if it's possible... maybe I could find a way to live there."

Father took his glasses off and stared at me. And I couldn't depict his emotion. I kept talking. "Like by myself. I would have more time to work at the studio and could possible get some clients. You can obviously visit me whenever and you-"

"Katarina." My father stopped me and put his hand up. He didn't even look angry right now. I wished he showed any emotion. "And why do you want to leave here?"

"I don't." I replied quickly. "I just think it could be a good thing, try and gain some independence and work harder." Father raised his eyebrow, and I hated how he had no emotion still. I'd rather he showed something, so I remembered something that should bring some emotion from him. I'm just not sure what. "Earlier today at the studio, someone named Sam came and introduced himself." My father raised his brows further. "Is he a friend?"

Father laughed a little. Laughed. And I still had no idea what was going through his head. "Sam." He shook his head. "He will actually..." he looked at his watch. "Should be here any minute now. There's actually some things I needed to tell you when he arrives. I see he jumped the gun with meeting you."

I squinted a little. "What does that mean?"

"Shut up and wait, Katarina. Go wait in the living room." He nodded me out of the office. I got up and ignored him, heading upstairs to my bedroom.

I opened the door and found Rhea already here and lying on my bed silently. She nearly looked asleep, but she got up as soon as I came in. "Hey, is everything alright?" She asked me, coming to put her hands on the sides of my head.

"Fine, yeah." I replied, softly taking her concerned hands off of my head. "Father said that man who was at the studio is nearly here. He needs to tell me something."

Rhea let out a breath. "I really don't like this. What could he need to tell you?"

I shrugged. "I have no idea, it could be something for his work." Rhea looked down and closed her eyes. "I just wanted to see you first." I smiled and put my hands on her shoulders. "I need to go back down though."

Rhea didn't seem to want to let me go back. Rhea pulled me in and wrapped her arms around my neck, hands splayed on my jaw and cheeks. I found her waist. "Be safe. Be smart. I can't lose you to anything." Rheas face was so close to mine. I could smell her warm breaths. Feel the warmth of her lips so close to mine. "I mean it, Kat. Come right back to me, princess."

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